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San Gabriel Valley residents invited to prepare for Great Earthquake shaking drill – Whittier Daily News


Earthquakes can strike at any time, so Southern California communities are encouraging residents to attend an upcoming seminar that will teach residents and businesses how to properly prepare for a potential natural disaster.

“It’s only a matter of time before another earthquake strikes, and planning ahead can literally save your life and the lives of those you love,” according to a press release from Pasadena Public Information and Emergency Manager Lisa Derderian, who will discuss how to prepare for and survive Wednesday’s earthquake. October 20 from 5-6pm via Zoom.

Deirdrian said he is visiting for more information or to register for the city’s Zoom seminar.

On Thursday, community members are encouraged to make their plans to train during the annual Great Earthquake Rehearsals.

International ShakeOut Day was first held in 2008, and occurs every third Thursday in October to provide an opportunity to practice how to drop, cover and hold, according to

At least 2 million people across Los Angeles County will fall, cover, and park this week.

It’s all part of the annual World Tremor Day, scheduled for Thursday, October 21.

It is a day when everyone – from students to business owners to government employees – is encouraged to practice earthquake preparedness. And as of last week, there were plenty of people in Los Angeles County who have pledged to do so on the Great California Shakeout.

Southern Californians know about earthquakes.

But what should you really do when a 4.3-magnitude earthquake knocks you out of your Netflix stupor on a Friday night before 8 p.m.? Such was the case last month when an earthquake in Carson shook people along the coast from Oxnard to San Diego County and as far inland as Riverside.

The Great Shakeout recommends everyone stop what you’re doing at 10:21 a.m. on Thursday and practice the following to minimize injuries in the event of a “big” hit:

Drop: Sit on your hands and knees wherever you are. This protects you from falling. And you can crawl into the shelter if you are nearby. Cover: Place one arm and one hand over your head and neck. If there is a sturdy table or desk nearby, crawl there. If not, crawl next to an interior wall away from the windows. Stay curved to protect vital organs. Wait: If you find that table or desk, grab it with one hand. If not, grab your head and neck with both hands. Do this until the shaking stops.

According to the Earthquake Country Alliance, standing in the doorway or running outside are among the actions considered dangerous.

Of course, your location when the vibration starts can determine what you should do. Here is a summary of what the experts recommend. In all of these cases, drop, cover, and hold apply:

Indoors: Avoid exterior walls, windows, hanging objects, and kitchen cabinets. Do not go out while shaking. Outdoors: If you are outside when the shaking starts, move to an empty area and avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, and vehicles. In bed: Do not get out of bed and keep your face down to protect your vital organs, and cover your head and neck with a pillow. In tall towers: Do not use elevators. Avoid windows and other hazards. Driving: park on the side of the road, stop and set the parking brake. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking stops. If a power line falls on the vehicle, stay indoors until a trained person removes the wire.

You can find more tips on preparing for an earthquake here.

If you are tech-savvy, you can subscribe to one of the many alert systems available. Check out Earthquake Warning California or ShakeAlert.

A mobile phone alert may give you enough time to act before the vibration starts.

But as soon as you feel that first jolt, you should protect yourself immediately. The best way to do this, of course, is to drop in, cover up, and hang on.

And on Thursdays, you can practice doing just that.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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