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Light tremors were felt in Vizag, and residents reported a sound similar to an explosion


According to the National Center for Seismology, the earthquake was at a depth of 5 kilometers and had its epicenter near the Voda Park lighthouse.

Residents of Vizag woke up to light tremors on the morning of Sunday, November 14, as the city experienced a 1.8-magnitude earthquake around 7.13 am. Several residents said they heard a sound like an explosion, and then felt earthquakes. At the time of writing, it was not clear what that sound was. The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation said the quake was felt across the city around 7.14 am, and asked citizens to take precautionary steps to avoid the potential earthquake impact. “In the event of an earthquake like the experience, get out of homes and stay in open safe spaces,” GVMC said.

The Deccan Chronicle reported that many people fled their homes and gathered on the streets as a precaution. According to the National Center of Seismology, the earthquake was 5 km in depth, and its epicenter was near the Voda Park lighthouse, off the coast of Vizag.

Loud Vizag earthquake footage #vizag

– BondCreator (@BondCreatorYT) November 14, 2021

Earlier on August 24, mild tremors were felt in parts of coastal Andhra Pradesh after a 5.1-magnitude earthquake in the Bay of Bengal. People in Visakhapatnam, Nellore and Prakkasam along the coast reported feeling earthquakes. The National Center of Seismology said the 5.1-magnitude quake was at a depth of 10 km and occurred in the Bay of Bengal, 296 km southeast of Kakinada in the state of Andhra Pradesh. This was also confirmed by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Hyderabad. The earthquake was also felt in parts of northern Tamil Nadu, including Chennai.

Tremors in #Visakhapatnam. “I experienced like a bomb exploded in the ground around 7.15am. I had some earthquake earlier. These are just tremors. This time is different,” a friend at Seethamhara shares in #Vizag. #Andhra Pradesh

– P Pavan (@PavanJourno) November 14, 2021

#Vizsg #Mild #temors rocked most parts of Vizag at 7.14am. People in several areas including NAD, MVP and Peda Waltair panicked out of their homes. The reasons are not immediately known. There were slight tremors on August 24. Kalyan_TNIEgsvasu_TNIExpressandhra

– Janardhana Rao (@janar_TNIE) November 14, 2021

I felt a shiver for 2-3 minutes followed by a strange sound. Has anyone felt the same way?

– Giridhar Malla (@giridharmalla) November 14, 2021

I felt tremors at Seethamapeta #Vizag

– Ravi (@Ravizag69) November 14, 2021

A 2019 report by the Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) of IIIT-Hyderabad ranked Vijayawada among the cities with a high risk of an earthquake disaster, out of 50 cities and one district studied across India. While Chennai is ranked under the cities with medium EDRI, Vijayawada is found in the high EDRI group. The study suggested steps that the construction industry and government should take, including banning unsafe practices, retrofitting unsafe structures, and putting in place policies to ensure that constructions are earthquake-resistant, to mitigate damage.





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