University of California, Davis: New Evidence for the Deep Earthquake Secret
Press release from University of California, Davis:
May 27, 2020
A new understanding of the deepest earthquakes on our planet can help uncover one of the most mysterious geophysical processes on Earth.
Deep earthquakes – located at least 300 kilometers below the surface of the earth – do not cause damage, but are often felt widely. These earthquakes can provide vital clues to understanding plate tectonics and the subsoil. Due to the extremely high temperatures and pressures where deep earthquakes occur, they are likely to be caused by physical and chemical processes different from earthquakes near the surface. But it is difficult to collect information about deep earthquakes, so scientists have no solid explanation for what causes them.
“We cannot see directly what is happening where deep earthquakes occur,” said Magali Beilin, professor of geophysics at the University of California, Davis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
What drives deep earthquakes?
Billen builds numerical simulations of subduction zones, where one plate sank under another, to better understand the forces that control plate tectonics. Her recent work helps explain the distribution of deep earthquakes, indicating that she often strikes in “high-strain” areas where tectonic plates bend, sink, and bend.
The dip plate model explains why earthquakes gather at certain depths (Magali Billen)
“These models provide strong evidence that stress is an important factor in controlling where deep earthquakes occur,” she said.
Beilin said that the new understanding that deformation is a major factor in deep earthquakes should help scientists solve the mechanisms that lead to deep earthquakes and could provide new constraints on subduction zone structure and dynamics.
“Once we better understand deep seismic physics, we will be able to extract more information about subduction dynamics, the main driver of plate tectonics,” she said.
Its findings were published on May 27 in the Science Advances journal.
A new way to study deep earthquakes
Deep earthquakes occur in subduction zones – one of the floating tectonic plates on the surface of the Earth is submerged under another and is “implanted” into the mantle. Earthquakes accumulate in some depths of crustal plates and spread in other depths. For example, many panels exhibit large gaps in seismic activity below 410 km.
Beilin said that the gaps in earthquakes are in line with the slab areas that are deformed more slowly in numerical models.
Beilin said: “The distortion is not the same everywhere in the painting.” “This is really new here.”
Beilin’s research was not originally intended to investigate deep earthquakes. Instead, she was trying to understand the slow forward and backward movement of deep trenches in the ocean, as the plates bend downward in subduction zones.
She said, “Out of curiosity, I decided to paint the deformation on the plate, and when I looked at the plot, the first thing that came to my mind was” Wow, it seems that the distribution of deep earthquakes. “It was a complete surprise.”
Deep Earth Simulation
The Beilin model includes the latest data on phenomena such as the density of minerals, the different layers of a sinking board, and empirical observations of how rocks behave at temperatures and high pressures.
Beilin said: “This is the first model that combines physical equations that describe the sinking of plates and the main physical properties of rocks.”
The results cannot distinguish between the possible causes of deep earthquakes. However, they offer new ways to explore their causes, Beilin said.
“Taking into account the additional limitations of the stress rate, it should help in identifying the active mechanisms in the sub-lithosphere, with the possibility that multiple mechanisms may be required,” she said.
The project was supported by a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and a prize from the National Science Foundation. Geometric dynamics mathematical infrastructure supports CitcomS software for numerical simulation.
This press release has been issued by the University of California, Davis. The opinions expressed here are those of the author.
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