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Fukugo reveals plans for a sustainable future

Fukugo reveals plans for a sustainable future


In 2021, Fukuju Brewery celebrated its 270th anniversary and its owner laid out a plan to become more sustainable by its 300th anniversary.

The goal is to adapt to renewables by 2030, plus there are plans underway to launch the brewery’s first organic product very soon, showing a natural evolution for the brewer.

Bamboo cutting to restore rice fields

Fukuju sake maker’s initiatives to produce sustainable sake have already seen a significant decrease in their environmental impact over the past 10 years. As a result, although production volume tripled between 2010 and 2017, the brewery was able to achieve an average energy saving of 10% per year.

“In addition, we were able to significantly reduce our impact on those fermentation processes where production efficiency is greatly influenced by the expertise and instincts of the artisans, such as managing temperature and humidity, by using the unique Tarai-koji method (an innovative koji production method that uses small vats) We have improved our work environment from a challenging environment with lots of night shifts to one where people can work easily and efficiently,” said Fukuju Brewery President and Representative Director Takenosuke Yasufuku.

“In the traditional sake industry, people’s work and the expertise and skills of the veterans will always be important. However, we are also greatly appreciated thanks to the implementation of the Internet of Things system and the creation of advanced production processes that increase energy efficiency,” said Yasufuku, adding that the company hopes “to” Continuing to give back to society based on local production, local consumption, through work that respects nature and people.”

Fukuju Brewery was founded in 1751 in the sake brewing area of ​​Nada, in Kobe, Japan, where sake is still made today. In the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake of 1995, the former wooden brewery was destroyed, but thanks to the support of all regions it was rebuilt again, and on May 8, 1996, the new Fukugu brewery was established. In addition to the brewery building, by 1997, the company also opened several facilities where customers can enjoy a taste of Japanese culture along with sake.

The brand name Fukuju comes from Fukurokuju, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. The name implies the company’s desire that those for whom they drink be healthy, have good luck, and have many grandchildren.

“Fukujugura, our brewery building, combines sake production and new equipment that recreates traditional brewing principles, with the skills of handcrafting sake. It is a 5-storey building covering a total area of ​​3,517 square meters. We chose to build one of the few breweries that could withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake, said Yasufuku, learning from the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake.

Koji made in the innovative Tarai Koji method

As a business, the sake maker believes that “it is necessary to strike a balance between environmental value (reducing environmental impact) and business value (increasing sales, reducing costs)” to lay the foundations that will lead the brewery to survive and expand for future generations.

“Specifically, we need to engage in actions to prevent global warming, increase production, conserve water, reuse drinking piles, recycle bottles, take care of biodiversity, and deal with hazardous or environmentally harmful materials,” said Yasofouko, by implementing That, we will expand our energy saving and recycling activities, which will help us reduce our environmental impact and costs,” explaining: “Our production for the sake of interest has a long history dating back 270 years, with traditions and technologies being passed down. The people involved in sake production have played a major role. On this date. Our sake production is traditional but keeps changing as we strive for the best. Ueda (Tarai koji) koji production and other innovations created by our employees allow us to improve quality and achieve a high level of economic production.”

From the perspective of the sake production industry, it is almost certain that the revitalization of society through the development of local industries will stimulate demand for sake, ensure the sustainability of industrial tourism, create agricultural brands, and lead to the development of sustainable agriculture. More specifically, stimulating demand for interest will increase courier sales, ensure the sustainability of industrial tourism will increase the number of tourists (brewery tourism), the creation of agricultural brands will provide added value (Yamada Nishiki, Japan’s best rice variety), and the development of sustainable agriculture will provide income fixed.

“The results of all this should lead to multiplier effects such as salary increases, provided there is a certain degree of local economic development,” Yasufuku said.

As Yasufuku explained: “We abolished the toji (brewer’s brewer) system in 2006. Since then, brewing is done by our own staff, under the guidance of Dr. Ueda from Ueda Research Institute of the Brewery. Our goal is not absolute volume, but to create the best taste, so We carefully craft our own by hand.Our koji is still entirely handmade, we use our traditional rice koshiki steaming bowls, and value the specificity of each batch to create sake. and integrated” thanks to the Rokko terroir bonus.

Indeed, Yasufuku states: “The survival and expansion of sake breweries is vital to understanding the history, traditions, and culture of Japan. But at the same time, it can be considered as the basis for a higher development of the culture of the future.”

Fukuju Brewery, along with NPO Peace & Nature, is restoring abandoned rice fields in Ozu District in Kita Ward, Kobe, the region where rice is grown for rice fermentation. This is an effort that will not only revitalize the rice fields in the future, but also restore the bamboo forests in the area, contributing to the preservation of the local ecosystem.

Recycling sake and promoting local products

In addition, “Olympia Iwaya,” a local support center that employs people with disabilities at Nada Ward in Kobe, has started a collaboration with Fukuju Brewery: butter cakes made with Fukuju Junmai Ginjo sake lees. Since then, this zero-waste initiative has become a way to turn the byproduct of the fermentation process into delicious treats that ultimately help people with disabilities attached to the center.

The brewery has also contributed to the local community by helping ways to improve issues such as the declining agricultural population, by developing new initiatives, such as the cultivation of Yamada Nishiki rice that uses fertilizer made from “recycled phosphorous” extracted from Kobe’s wastewater, and by using Remote sensing technology by drones for production field analysis.

For a long time, Fukuju Brewery has been aiming to create value by integrating the sake brewing, tourism, and catering industries, under the motto of “give back to the community based on local production, local consumption, through work that respects both nature and people.” For now, and for the future, this is part of the plan and each new step in this direction will contribute to positive change globally to make sustainability and environmental awareness everyone’s responsibility, thus paving the way for the next generation plan.




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