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Female leaders are rising in response to COVID for every woman, child and adolescent


May 28, 2020 | Geneva

Cape. Hon. Helen Clark, PMNCH board chair and former New Zealand prime minister joined H.E. Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid, President of Estonia, along with PMNCH and Women Deliver, will host a high-level roundtable organized by Every Woman Every Child (EWEC).

The event brought together women leaders from around the world united by the unwavering belief that action must be taken to address the immediate and secondary threats of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of women children and adolescents to prevent a return to hard-won gains.

In a recent issue published on the eve of the event, Helen Clark along with co-authors Kersti Kaljulaid, Jorge Alcocer Varel, Mexican Secretary of Health; and Graça Machel, founder of the Graça Machel Trust; they faced the alarming effects of a pandemic with a sudden warning that “women and children will pay for this pandemic – unless we act!”

In her introductory speech, Kersti Kaljulaid said, “this virus has shown that we are not safe if not everyone is safe”; underlining the ruling mood of women leaders for direct and collective action; and emphasizing the emergence of a “broader acceptance of the importance of the global communal good” in the fight against the pandemic.

Helen Clark called for the recognition of “outstanding women leaders at the national level who worked effectively to protect the citizens of their countries. Stating that” those who succeeded engaged their communities, acted on sound advice and were transparent and effective communicators … leadership models which everyone should strive to emulate. ”

A virtual roundtable with 13 outstanding female leaders participated in the discussion with a strong representation of PMNCH members and champions, including former PMNCH board chair Michelle Bachelet, current PMNCH private sector member Mary-Ann Etiebet of Merck for Mothers and Deputy NGO PMNCH organizations Katju Iversen from Women are born. There was also great cross-sectoral representation, including Gabriela Cuevas Barron, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Awa Marie Coll-Seck, Minister of State of the President of the Republic of Senegal, Amy Pollack of the Bill Foundation and Melinda Gates, Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN Secretary-General’s Envoy for Youth, Gerda Verburg, Scaling Up Nutrition and many others.

During the roundtable, women leaders highlighted the strong impact the pandemic has ravaged on health systems, societies and economies. They copied with the unique needs and expertise of women, as first responders, health workers, community volunteers, caregivers and more. They shared the concrete actions they have taken to guarantee rescue services to the most vulnerable and made commitments to protect the fragile gains made in the last decade in the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents.

Several key topics emerged during the discussion, including; the need for global solidarity in the fight against the pandemic; the importance of gender equality, the protection of the rights of women, children and adolescents, and ensuring access to basic services such as mental health, SRHRH and immunization. Leaving anyone behind was a common denominator in most interventions, and leaders called for special attention to the most vulnerable such as minorities, Indigenous women, women with disabilities, and others who could be even more at risk. The discussion also focused on the importance of data to achieve hard-to-reach data, as well as on securing recent increases in the use of technology translated in a fair way to prevent inequalities in access to services. Finally, leaders stressed the importance of multisectoral action with a call to work with partners, including the integration of local CSOs, the private sector, development partners, governments, etc. in strengthening the health system and improving access to universal health care.

Giving the final words in closing remarks, Helen Clark made a call to action, saying, “let’s make our voice heard for a global response in scale. Those who have the power to make a difference, keep shouting, keep advocating for women, children and adolescents.” ”

See the event here:

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