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3D LED screen technology used in the filming of Barbie, Dune and The Mandalorian comes to University of Melbourne

3D LED screen technology used in the filming of Barbie, Dune and The Mandalorian comes to University of Melbourne


Some of the best movie scenes of all time are shot using green screens and the backgrounds are treated in post-production.

It may be a little uncomfortable for actors.

Chris Hemsworth's Thor kissing the Hulk on a green screen, controlled by director Taika Waititi (Credit: Marvel Studios)

However, 3D LED screen technology allows actors to react in real time to the digital scene behind them.

Virtual sets have been embraced by Hollywood, particularly with The Mandalorian (2019), one of the first large-scale productions to use LED walls instead of green screens.


Since then, Barbie, Dune, and a growing list of blockbusters have utilized this technology in their movies.

Now, film students in Melbourne can now take advantage of the same cutting-edge technology at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA)'s bespoke studio on Southbank.

This opening sequence for Barbie doll was created using an LED screen. (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures)

Senior lecturer and head of virtual production Andrew O'Keeffe said the LED screen had the highest resolution in the country, bringing a new level of realism to the performance.

“No actor acts with a little green tennis ball on a stick and says, 'That's a dragon.' You turn left and look, and there's a dragon,” he said.

Andrew O'Keeffe says Melbourne's digital production capabilities are only just beginning to materialize. (ABC News: Mietta Adams)

VCA sophomore Alec Chapman said he was inspired by the cinematography techniques used in The Mandalorian and was learning virtual production skills.

“The possibilities of how you can use it are really endless,” he said.

“I feel like I can lift my work off the ground and deploy it anywhere my imagination takes me.

“It doesn’t have to be a physical location.”

Australians on the world stage

Mr O'Keeffe said improving the skills of filmmakers would help Australian voices be heard more broadly.

“This opens up a bigger industry. It's a whole new industry that needs to be developed, and we're teaching those skills here,” he said.

A series of short courses are run by studios to improve the skills of filmmakers. (ABC News: Mietta Adams)

Kelly Williams works in the industry and is pursuing micro-certifications in hopes of helping her practice.

“I was really excited to start this effort to understand what’s going on in the industry with AI and all the scary things it brings,” she said.

“It's nice to have a chance to look at it and have something a little more concrete in my head. So it's a little less scary.”

She said it was a great honor to be in the class and using the dynamic background was “shocking.”

Kelly Williams says some of her ideas can only be realized through virtual production. (ABC News: Mietta Adams)

VCA Studios offers a series of short courses aimed at filmmakers, animators, game developers and 3D modelers.

The university said the technology is being incorporated into the curriculum for future VCA graduates.

This training aims to fill the knowledge gap in digital screen production in Victoria. (ABC News: Mietta Adams)

Posted 12 hours ago 12 hours ago Wednesday, May 1, 2024 7:02 PM, updated 6 hours ago 6 hours ago Thursday, May 2, 2024 1:50 AM




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