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Industry Speaks: World Password Day

Industry Speaks: World Password Day


The first Thursday of May is World Password Day. This may be an easily predicted event, but one that cannot be predicted is a password.

Poor password habits can lead to data theft and bank account access. We all have to think about passwords every day, but today is a particularly good day to get advice on how to strengthen your personal security.

This is a collection of wisdom from the best in the industry.

Wayne PhillipsField, SentinelOne Chief Technology Officer, Asia Pacific and Japan

Passwords aren't going away anytime soon. Biometric data, facial and fingerprint scanning all play a role in helping you securely access services, but the most important benefit of passwords is that they are something you know, not yourself. That's it. While the latter is easy to set up and use, and may be available at any time, which means it can sometimes be read from your coffee cup or your social posts without your knowledge, the former… As long as it's certain, it means it can't be done. It's complex enough, unique, and secret enough that you didn't unconsciously share it with others.

The disadvantage of passwords is that they must be shared with the systems that need access to ensure access. Sharing passwords when creating an account is a security contradiction, and that's where the whole concept of trust begins. If you combine your passwords with as many factors as possible without increasing friction, the chances of data loss due to password hacking are very low and, importantly, very limited. Combining what you know, what you have, what you are, where you are, and when you will be can result in a chain of secrets that is difficult to unravel.

Patrick Harding Chief Architect at Ping Identity

As attackers become more sophisticated and utilize new technologies such as artificial intelligence, most users underestimate the risks associated with relying on passwords to protect their valuable information. What's more, a whopping 48% of IT decision makers aren't confident they have technology in place to defend against AI attacks. Traditional passwords leave organizations vulnerable to these types of attacks and leave the door open for hackers to access sensitive data. Consumers are also increasingly frustrated with remembering multiple complex passwords and often reuse the same passwords on different sites, further increasing security risks.

The good news is that there are safer alternatives that provide users with a better digital experience. Passwordless authentication replaces traditional passwords with a more seamless and secure method, helping businesses reduce risk and thwart large-scale threats. This year, on World Password Day, focus on moving towards a password-free future that provides better and more secure digital experiences while educating your organization on technologies that improve security.

Carla Roncato, Vice President of Identity, Watchguard Technologies

On this World Password Day, we should all stop and think about how we can embrace passkeys. Passkey represents a major industry shift in identity security, moving away from traditional username and password credentials to a more secure, knowledge-free authentication approach that greatly improves the user experience. Masu. As a form of passwordless authentication, passkeys are intended to eliminate the risk factors inherent in traditional credentials. At the same time, the use of biometrics and biometric data for fingerprint or facial unlocking remains on the device and is not shared with Google (in this example) or any website that accepts the passkey.

It's also a good time to think about better password hygiene and password management practices. First, it's time to do away with weak and reused passwords. Use a complex password consisting of more than 16 random characters or a unique passphrase for each login. That can be a pain, so it's best to use a password manager. Password managers can automatically generate complex passwords and store them securely. Plus, with a password manager, you only need to remember one password. It's just the password for the vault.

Sadiq Iqbal, Cyber ​​Security Evangelist at Check Point Software Technologies

As we celebrate World Password Day, it is essential to recognize that strong passwords form the foundation of effective security measures. Even with the most advanced security technology, simply overlooking a password can give an attacker access to your system. Strong passwords are more than just a recommendation. They are an important defense mechanism. Recent attacks against major organizations such as Okta and 23AndMe were facilitated by stolen login information, demonstrating that the use of weak passwords has far-reaching effects and poses an ongoing threat. However, strengthening password security not only protects your data, but also maintains integrity and trust across your organization.

Erick Reyes Strategic Client Director, Data Security, Thales Australia

World Password Day comes around every year, and each year we hear the same advice about the need for strong passwords. The advice doesn't work at all. Passwords are no longer fit for purpose, are easily hacked, and impose a significant burden on end users. Our recent Digital Trust Index study found that 64% of customers are frustrated with the hassle of resetting passwords, and human error remains the leading cause of data breaches, making this a top priority for businesses. should be a concern. Advances in AI and quantum computing will bring what data and how it is used firmly into the spotlight, making this even more pressing a need.

If you want an awareness day, it's time to rebrand and emphasize the importance of passkeys. Encryption technology makes passkeys difficult to crack, making them much more secure. It also makes it easier for consumers because passwords are automatically generated and can be stored securely on their devices, eliminating the need to create long and complex passwords and phrases. Finally, passkeys allow authentication without handing over sensitive information, increasing privacy and reducing the risk of data breaches.

Chern-Yue Boey, SailPoint Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific

The vulnerability of user passwords has become even more pronounced as 4,000 password attacks occur every second around the world, with attacks increasing tenfold in the past year alone. Despite years of industry debate about the dangers of weak passwords, organizations continue to recognize that login and access passwords serve as the Achilles' heel for hackers to break into corporate networks, and that organizations rely on passwords to protect valuable information. continues to underestimate the risks associated with relying solely on

Passwordless solutions have emerged as a promising alternative, incorporating technologies such as biometrics, authentication apps, and tokens. However, it is still important for organizations to recognize that these alone do not provide security. Malicious attackers often exploit weaknesses in business systems that lack least privilege access controls, especially in today's dynamic threat landscape, and identity compromise is a large part of data breaches. is often the main trigger.

The consequences of this monitoring are costly, and once cyber attackers get a foot in the door, businesses become vulnerable to barrage attacks. Rather than viewing passwordless authentication as a standalone solution, organizations should seamlessly integrate it with a robust identity security framework.

Roger A. GrimesKnowBe4 Data Driven Defense Evangelist

The unpleasant truth is that password strategies haven't kept up with the skills of modern hackers. Too many people still use passwords that can be cracked in minutes or even seconds. It's not just the complexity. It's about approaching passwords with a strategic defense mindset.

Adrian Covich, Senior Director of Technical Sales, Asia Pacific and Japan, Proofpoint

Passwords are one of the first critical barriers between individuals, attackers, and successful cyberattacks, but many people make the mistake of reusing the same login credentials across multiple sites and devices. I am. This makes it easier for attackers to access sensitive information through sophisticated credential phishing campaigns.

When creating your password, avoid common words, phrases, names, and dates related to you or your immediate family. It's also a good idea to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). This means he will use two forms of evidence to verify your identity before access is granted, or if not available, use a password manager. Password Manager creates random passwords that are securely stored, encrypted, and accessible from all your personal devices, reducing the burden of remembering complex login credentials across multiple websites. It's also best to change all your passwords twice a year, and change your business passwords every three months.

Andrew Slavkovic, CyberArk Solutions Engineering Director, ANZ

Organizations must adopt passwordless authentication to combat looming cyber threats such as phishing, keylogging, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

This approach not only strengthens security but also streamlines the user experience by eliminating complex password requirements and frequent update constraints.

However, despite its obvious benefits, moving to a passwordless system presents challenges for organizations. The biggest barrier to organizations going passwordless is legacy systems, which tend to be locked into traditional password structures. Add to these the complex management demands of vast, multifaceted environments consisting of diverse users, numerous applications, and hybrid and multi-cloud setups that organizations today still grapple with.

Identity and access management (IAM) solutions emerge as key allies in navigating this transition. This solution makes it easy to implement features such as passwordless endpoint authentication.

Matt CaffreySenior Solutions Architect, Barracuda

Last year, nearly half of reported data breaches (including 86% of web application breaches) involved the use of stolen credentials (usernames and passwords). [In] In Australia, 1.8 million accounts were compromised in the first quarter of 2024 alone. It seems there are lessons yet to be learned when it comes to secure authentication.

We know that passwords are vulnerable to cracking, exposure, theft, and can be used against us, but many organizations still rely on them to protect access. Masu. There are many reasons for this, and it's important to remember those reasons when trying to replace or refill them.

Passwords are convenient. These are familiar and both users and administrators understand them. It is easy to implement and requires minimal infrastructure and investment. No additional hardware required and it's everywhere. Almost all services and devices support password authentication.

When considering password alternatives, it's important to prioritize security, ease of use, and scalability to ensure a seamless and secure authentication experience for your users. If there is too much complexity or friction, people will find a way around it.

david hollingworth

David Hollingworth has been writing about technology for over 20 years and has worked on a variety of print and online titles during his career. He enjoys understanding cyber security and can especially talk about Lego.




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