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Britain is not ready for the emotional earthquake of losing the Queen

Britain is not ready for the emotional earthquake of losing the Queen


For fans (my mother considers herself one), Andrew Marr has always been a bastion of trustworthy old news school-style. Even when the Blair government plunged itself into the Iraq war, at least, they could have looked to Marr to cheerfully analyze our fractured politics with self-confidence. Recently, despite having had a stroke, he has proven that there is life (and work) after a major physical setback, especially reassuring for my mom’s baby boomer generation. So she received with alarm the news of him leaving the BBC after 21 years of service.

I assured her that this might be a good thing, and soon she would know what her favorite Scotsman really thought. According to Andrew: “These are exciting and dangerous times” and he wants to “speak more frankly” without the BBC’s “gag”.

Where does his new look and freedom lead us? A solution to the escalating crisis with Russia? Insider advice on who will be our next prime minister? (And when?) Perhaps a secret operation to discover where all our lost sites have gone? number.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail, Mar frequented Her Majesty. He told us that when Elizabeth II dies, “the country will go into shock.” More than that, he insisted, it “would be like a moral earthquake” that is not “fully understood or appreciated”.

The mother was bitterly disappointed. Her favorite’s declaration of the obvious only reinforced the January gloom. The subtext of his royal comment was a painful reminder of the precarious situation of our country, with Britain issuing empty threats to Russia saddled with a prime minister minus moral authority and an economy on the cusp of a cost-of-living crisis. No wonder the news agencies yesterday hid behind Her Majesty’s arrival in Sandringham two weeks before Accession Day, the Queen’s deferred Christmas mission finally accomplished in a helicopter and a ninety-five-year-old cameo.

Marr, the man who apparently started his career as a Republican, became over the decades one of Elizabeth’s most ardent supporters, covering the BBC’s Diamond Jubilee celebration and writing an autobiography that same year. He has a vested interest in reminding people of his passion for the Queen, but choosing to announce his new career without any thought of the impact of her death provided more heat than light. He did not explain why a politically impotent old woman had become so important to our national psyche.

If we choose to look, the answers are easy to find. As a country, we attach huge amounts of emotional capital to our narrative of World War II; The conflict was Britain’s last great boon on the international stage before a new world order pushed us into the back seat. The Queen is the only head of state to have served in that war, and she ties us back to the nostalgic era when it was safe to say you felt proud to be British.

In 1952, when her father died prematurely at the age of 56, Elizabeth’s unquestionable beauty and youth offered a hint of optimism in insecure post-war Britain. People wanted to feel rooted, with the arrival of a new Elizabethan era causing near hysteria in the press. “The signs are shining for a great renaissance,” he reassured readers. It could be said that the great British Renaissance never came but Elizabeth endured, so where her gentle innocence inspired people now was her great age and undisturbed work ethic. If society has let us down, Elizabeth hasn’t. Traditional Britain still has someone to look at.

In a reminder of our changing times despite being an admirer, Mar couldn’t resist being beaten into the queen’s bosom: ‘I’m sorry to say that some members of the royal family were behaving like exploiters’ (although no bewilderment that he gave no names) and in Another clear statement: “The modern monarchy of Charles must earn his place every day, every week, and every month in the affection of the people.”

While Her Majesty has become the beloved grandmother of a nation, defined in an ideological age when women were silent and always there for us, Charles was born into a completely different world. He is the uncle of the baby boomers who personify a modern society full of consumerism, divorce and uncertainty. So, yes, looking in the royal mirror and waking up to see Charles III would be a shock, not because he is a bad man, (he may be a very good king), but because we find in him a more true reflection of us. Association. Mar has much more in common with Charles than she does with Her Majesty.

By suggesting that the queen’s death would be a moral earthquake, he set a common trap, which Marr himself appears to have fallen into. He sees Her Majesty as a symbol of our time, when in fact we love her so much (without really knowing her) precisely because she connects us to an entirely different time. The Queen is our patriotic comfort blanket. Someone who allows the most conservative Britons to pretend that nothing really has changed. One day we will all have to wake up.




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