San Francisco earthquake | power line
If you roll back the timeline back to 1978, you’ll remember that the “tax rebellion” began with the passage of the California Proposition 13 landslide, which cut property taxes by more than half, severely limited their future increases, and imposed a third clause in the state legislature for all future tax increases. The tax rebellion quickly spread across the country, with Michigan and even Massachusetts (!) drastically reducing property taxes. It was a milestone in the supply-side revolution that culminated two years after Reagan’s election, and his income tax cuts soon spread around the world. Even those Scandinavian “social democracies” cut their income tax rates (some even eliminated capital gains taxes entirely) by the mid-1980s.
The left didn’t take it well. I think my favorite example of a liberal whim was New York Times columnist Tom Wicker, who published a column attacking California voters under the headline “How to Spit in Your Face.” Because high taxes are good for you, humble peasants. The California left has always dreamed of abolishing Prop.. 13. In late 1994 I was arguing with liberals (like Richard Reeves once in Santa Barbara) about their obsession that everything wrong in California could be attributed to Proposition 13.
California this week dealt another fatal blow to progressivism by voting in San Francisco to summon three far-left school board members by a 3-1 margin. I think this can be described as a landslide. in San Francisco. Where Republican voters can put her in the phone booth. The crazy three were behind the ridiculous idea of stripping schools of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and even Dianne Feinstein’s names, and one member said Asian success came from their embrace and practice of “white supremacy”. This is the face of the so-called “anti-racism”.
You’d think the left, like Prop 13, might learn a lesson. This must be the political earthquake that shakes the foundations of progressivism. Smart liberals like James Carville have been saying this for several years now. I think his catchphrase is that Democrats need to stop taking their politics from the faculty lounge and go back to taking their cues from the union halls (most of which will ask Biden to build the Keystone Pipeline). But of course not. Since the core value of progressivism is a firm belief in your own moral superiority, no change of one’s mind is allowed.
The left does not take this score well. The prize for the most disconcerting reaction yet comes from – wait it out! CNN’s Nicole Hammer. You can’t see that coming!
San Francisco School Board summons sends a dangerous message
Let’s just pause with this title for a moment. It’s fun how progressives say they want people’s voices to be heard (and get more people to vote, multiple times if appropriate), but then regret people when they give the “wrong” result. And “wrong” often jumps to “serious.” These dangerous voters in San Francisco!
Anyway, the rest of this long, obnoxious article lives up to the headline. As I would say, you have to read it, not believe it. Some short samples:
But while the results in San Francisco may resist simple analysis, the politics around the recall tell us something important about the process going on across the country. In San Francisco, wealthy, right-leaning donors poured money into a cash withdrawal, while activists and the media began using language that combined disparate resentment into a coherent message.
OMG – “coherent message”. What a thing. Consider the power of San Francisco’s right-leaning donors, whose success in generating a “coherent message” has turned the left into a state of incoherence.
From here the article wanders through the preserved history of public education controversies going back to the 1990s (the “Ebonics” controversy appears even to duty), in a transparent effort to change the subject and distract the reader, as none of the older controversies have anything to do with issues that rightly angered even most voters Center left in San Francisco.
Political organization around schools is as old as compulsory education itself, which has sparked battles over access, the teaching of subjects such as evolution, gender, obligatory prayer and vows of allegiance. Parents played a role on both sides in all of these issues, championing school rules that they felt were in line with their own values.
However, as many of these issues will eventually be settled in state legislatures, Congress, and the courts, the Right has succeeded in framing school politics as anxious parents whose rights are violated by politicians, bureaucrats, and judges.
Perhaps correct school policy “successfully framed” as abuse by bureaucrats and judges because it is correct? Not accepting the idea.
Left note: Please remain in denial. We’ll see you in November.
the Chaser:
Democrats’ internal polls show swing voters think the party has gone ‘too far’ on COVID
Sources 2/ https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/02/the-san-francisco-earthquake.php The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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