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The Time Ranger | SCV vs. Giant Earthquake Pack o ‘Attack Dogs

The Time Ranger |  SCV vs. Giant Earthquake Pack o ‘Attack Dogs


Well slapped my burrito, welcome calido and west ya siraj, sargpal, cowboy and facuritas for the weekend at Cinco de Mayo.

This morning we have an interesting story about roving groups of wild dogs, some old fashioned flashing at a rodeo, the daughter of Tom Mix, and suddenly another among the local cowboys and visiting Jehovah’s Witnesses during World War II.

There’s an Astroturf, however, more rodeo stories, and a multi-million dollar lawsuit at a controversial local church.

Now that we’ve seen that we’re going to be visiting a whole bunch of rodeo stars this morning, make sure you get a decent rodeo in the saddle. And don’t hold your pinkie like you’re riding in English either. Tend to invite conference calls…

way back when and then some

GOLD WAY, WAY YONDER Despite what you hear on the tours, gold was discovered long before 1842 here in Santa Clarita. I received an email from a reader in the 20th century that there was a discovery of gold here in 1760 and I’m still waiting for some evidence of it. It was pointed out that Gaspar de Portola, the first recorded white person to enter the SCV, did so nine years after the reader claimed, in 1769. So, there is this. But on May 3, 1842, the San Francisco Mining District was established, recognizing Don Francisco Lopez’s discovery of gold, possibly in Placeretta Canyon.

Another American President – We had a very famous person staying at the Acton Hotel on May 4, 1903. President Theodore Roosevelt stopped by to visit friends and do some hunting. One of Roosevelt’s friends was none other than Rosie Melrose, the notorious Kentucky transplant pistol fighter who was a standing participant in one of the Middle East’s last Manu-Manu shootouts. Rosie shot Mayor actor William H. Broom with three shots in the heart. L.A. Coroner wrote in his report, “Good rally.” A group of about 500 people from the area traveled to downtown Los Angeles for the trial where Melrose was acquitted of all charges. twice. (For the first time, a juror was bribed.)

May 7, 1922

Starved for entertainment – we had a few radios and a rare movie taken into town from San Fernando. Entertainment consists of singing, playing cards or guitar, and talking. When you imagine that there were only about 500 people in the valley at the time, the more than 10,000 people crowding the valley for the rodeo must have made it a pretty big event. We held our second annual Newhall Rodeo on this date and it was an epic success. The Signal reporter noted, “The SPCA has captured most of the joy from mentor wrestling.” The old model was invented by the famous black cowboy, Bill Beckett, one of the toughest humans in the Old West. Bell invented this style of jumping off his horse, grabbed the leash by the horns, rotated them 180 degrees, and then bit the steer on his lips to pull him down. Speaking of liking rare steaks…

May 7, 1932

WHO’S WHO OF COWBOYDOM – For the thousands who attended the 11th annual Newhall-Saugus rodeo at the Hoot Gibson Rodeo Grounds, they got more than their fair money’s worth. Besides all the usual Cowboy events, there was an extra-terrestrial plane crash. No one was seriously injured. Also, there was someone who is from Hollywood there. Besides our famous local cowboys Hoot Gibson, William S Hart, Tom Mix and Harry Carey, we had Clark Gable and Will Rogers there too. Here are some trivia for you. Tom Mix’s little daughter was there. her name? Tomasina. Not like the guy was in vain or anything.

Ranchers’ shocking discovery in an unnamed canyon – the body of a 60-year-old man named Ralph Wood was found. Nawab Sharif believes he may have committed suicide by cutting his wrists. The corpse had been in the valley for several days and was partially devoured by coyotes and eagles. They found the man’s wallet, a little cash, and a bloodstained razor blade nearby. None of the local Wood family knew him as a relative.

Guess the locals really like to drink – Franklin Delano Roosevelt was far from being the most popular fellow in SCV. In the local vote for the 1932 primaries, Herbert Hoover (whose wife had been looking after a girl in Acton) received 251 votes while Roosevelt received 47. It was even worse for our local boy, Henry Clay Needham. The outlawed candidate who ran for the Oval Office three times received just four votes in his hometown.

May 7, 1942

Women and Women Everywhere – World War II brought about one of the most momentary social changes in the history of this nation. Almost overnight, women started entering the workplace, specifically in the predominantly male blue-collar areas. Bermite Powder Co. started , one of America’s leading suppliers of gunpowder and ammunition, is inviting women to fill three work shifts around the clock. Ultimately, the permeate will be about 70% female. Permit was also heavily guarded by the army (our army) and people who used to use it leisurely as a shortcut from Placeretta Canyon to Soledad were warned. The guards shoot first and ask questions later…

Witnesses against cows – The struggle with Jehovah’s Witnesses continued. The previous week, three of them had been beaten up by cowboys for protesting against the war. (This newspaper condemned the church group, calling it termites, and noting that most of the townspeople agreed to the beating. San Fernando Road.) However, the anti-war JW infantry did not appear. While the protesters filed complaints with the local court and the mayor’s office, no charges were brought against the cowboys.

NO MILK’ TIL TOMORROW – rationing is slowly being put into place. Local Ridgeview Dairy is used for daily deliveries. They converted it to every day during the war.

May 7, 1952

RODEO DRIVE – There were epic traffic jams in the SCV on this date. An estimated 24,000 people came to see the world-famous 26th Rodeo Neuhall-Saugos. (Technically, it was the 31st annual rodeo. Before it was held at Bonelli Stadium, also known as Saugus Speedway, it was held on the grounds of Newhall Elementary School before Newhall School was there.) Legendary cowboy Bob Maynard won the contest riding without saddle. Two cowboys who competed later became famous actors – Academy Award winner Ben Johnson and the great character, Slim Pickens.

Not exactly a less anxious young man – she definitely adored Dean Galleon, Duke of Castaic, and beyond. When my friends and I were young, Dean would lecture about safety on the streets. But you wouldn’t want to get in a car with him when he was young. The unlucky young man had two accidents in front of the Hart School while he was there. On this date, his washing truck blew a tire and overturned. The brigadier general injured his elbow badly. Dean made his transition almost a year ago at the age of 88.

TELEPHONE TRIVIA – There were 590 phones plugged in in all SCVs at the end of World War II. Seven years later, that number has nearly tripled to about 1,600 phones — and 109 locals are still waiting to be called.

May 7, 1962

Not the last long !!!! Many old people were shocked when they heard the news. A huge water project was to be built in the valley. Those who remember the St. Francis Dam disaster of 1928 here have been wondering why the state would build a new dam at Castaic, three times the size of the dam in nearby San Francisco Canyon. The old St. Francis Dam held, for a very short time, about 38,000 acres of water. The castais contain more than 100,000 feet of water, or about 32 billion gallons of water. Forget about the construction itself, it would be a complex project, with land acquisitions and water rights downstream. Ten years later, a switch was dumped and 2,500 gallons of water was pumped every second into the lake. It will take three years to fill the huge tank.

May 6, 1971

NICE DOGGIE DOGGIE DOGGIE – Months after the 1971 earthquake, that neutral land around Oat Mountain, which separates Newhall from the Granada Hills, was home to a group of hybrid dogs. Predators attacked a state geologist, who fended off them by throwing stones. The dogs were supposed to have been abandoned after the earthquake and lived in the prairies and fringes of civilization, far from deer, cattle and litter. Hunters and animal control officers had to go on puppy safaris to either kill or collect dogs, many of which were the size of a German Shepherd. Besides attacking humans for dinner, the group brought the risk of rabies (from birds and squirrels). This group used to be as many as 15 dogs but when the last one was found, there were only three. There was the mother of all wild dog groups in the hills between Saugus and the Antelope Valley in the 1950s. That group numbered about 150 and threatened everything from cattle to the unlucky wanderer. A huge group was formed to wipe out the wild canines.

May 7, 1972

Anything a Jury Takes – A Castaway man was shocked to discover that not only had he been called to jury duty, but they had their own dress code. The jury commissioner informed him that if he did not wear a coat and tie (pants, shirts, shoes, etc.) he would be in contempt of court. Women were required to wear dresses to perform jury duty.

When We Was Eden Plastic Garden – One of the ugliest suburban experiences launched on this date, 30 years ago. The province has “planted” several acres of polypropylene, also known as Lawnscapeâ„¢, also known as Astroturf, along central Valencia Boulevard and Bouquet Canyon Road. Sticky lawns do not require watering, pruning or fertilizing, only occasional vacuuming.

May 7 1982

Old Testament pedigree lawsuit – On this date, a lawsuit is filed in Arkansas court against the controversial Tony and Susan Alamo Christian Foundation. About 300 former workers demanded $19 million in back pay. The litigants complained that they were paid less than the minimum wage and no overtime. I think today we call that, ‘middle management’. Ultimately, Tony Alamo will be found guilty of suffocation crimes, from kidnapping to rape, fraud, tax evasion and child endangerment, to name a few.

The most amazing star banner in SCV history – Rivendale hasn’t been around for very long, which I always find sad. The Tony Equestrian Center sat on the old road where Tusley Canyon Park is today. Forty years ago, it was the site of a rodeo and Merle Haggard. Merle sang for only 45 minutes because the rodeo lasted so long. But the day and evening entertainment was topped by an unscheduled artist. Right after the Star-Spangled Banner, a plump and unrestrained young woman stood in the top row of the small arena and raised her blouse for a full minute. My eyes shed tears, recalling nostalgia.

You guys Santa Clarita are sure to make life a lot lighter. Thanks for the kind and lively company. We look forward to seeing you all at seven, and until then, – vayan con Dios, amigos!

Check out John Boston’s New History Books – “Ghosts, Ogres, Myths, and Monsters – America’s Most Haunted City,” Volumes I and II. Get both at




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