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Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Practices for Architecture Students held at IIT Kanpur

Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Practices for Architecture Students held at IIT Kanpur


It was attended by 94 participants from 26 colleges across India and Bhutan, of whom 66 completed it successfully

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur hosted a workshop on “Earthquake Resistant Practices” for undergraduate architecture students recently.

It was attended by 94 participants from 26 colleges across India and Bhutan, of whom 66 completed it successfully. The aim of this workshop was to make architecture students aware of earthquake resistant design practices through technical lectures. Students also worked on an architectural design project in design studios.

The workshop was led by Professor Mira Chirulkar from Dr. BN School of Women’s Architecture in Pune along with nine other faculty members.

In his opening speech, Professor CVR Murty from the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, explained the “importance of earthquake safety in architectural design” to undergraduate students. Dr. Shailesh Agarwal, BMTPC New Delhi gave a special lecture on Risk and Knowledge Scenario using ‘India Vulnerability Atlas’.

Studio sessions were a mixture of desk work and informal lectures where individual cases were used to illustrate earthquake engineering concepts for the whole class.

During the eight-day workshop, the students were asked to design an office complex at a site in Gandhidham, a city in the Kutch district of Gujarat located in the earthquake zone. Students were exposed to the RESIST program to test the suitability of their designs from a seismic performance perspective.

The designs prepared by the participants were evaluated by a team of ten members of the jury. They highly appreciated the participants’ designs. Ten of the participants scored the first place and 12 scored the second place.

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