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China earthquake death toll rises to 74 as lockdown anger grows

China earthquake death toll rises to 74 as lockdown anger grows


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BEIJING – The death toll from this week’s earthquake in western China has jumped to 74 with 26 people still missing, the government reported on Wednesday, as frustration mounts over relentless coronavirus lockdowns that have prevented residents from leaving their buildings after the shaking.

The 6.8-magnitude earthquake right on Monday afternoon in Sichuan Province caused heavy damage to homes in Ganzi Tibet Autonomous Region, and shook buildings in the provincial capital Chengdu, whose 21 million residents are under strict lockdown due to COVID-19.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, police and health workers refused to let anxious apartment dwellers out, fueling anger at the government’s tough “no-coronavirus” policy imposing lockdowns, quarantines and other restrictions, even while the rest of the world largely reopens.

Footage circulating online showed residents of the central city of Wuhan, where the epidemic is believed to have originated in late 2019, chanting at police, “Lift the lockdown, refuse to take the tests.”

The restrictions have sparked protests online and in person, which is rare in tightly controlled Chinese society, where the all-powerful Communist Party can easily sentence people to months or years in prison on loosely defined charges such as “picking disagreements and causing trouble”.

In all, 65 million Chinese in 33 cities, including seven regional capitals, are currently under varying levels of lockdown. The government is also discouraging domestic travel during the Mid-Autumn Festival on Saturday and the week-long national holiday at the beginning of October.

Outbreaks have been reported in 103 cities, the highest number since the early days of the epidemic in early 2020.

Monday’s earthquake was centered in a mountainous area of ​​Luoding County, which lies on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau about 200 kilometers (125 miles) from Chengdu, where tectonic plates collide with each other.

The deadliest earthquake in China in recent years was the 7.9-magnitude earthquake in 2008 that killed nearly 90,000 people in Sichuan. The earthquake destroyed towns, schools, and rural communities outside Chengdu, leading to years of efforts to rebuild with more resistant materials.




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