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Southern California hit on earthquake day after mudslides trap dozens

Southern California hit on earthquake day after mudslides trap dozens


A 2.6-magnitude earthquake hit southern California this morning, just 12 hours after the mudslide trapping dozens of people near Los Angeles.

As Hurricane Kay advanced, several flood warnings hit parts of California. Flash floods can cause mudslides. It is not certain what caused the earthquake, which was about two and a half miles deep.

Today’s earthquake struck east of Canoga Park, California, early this morning. It came 12 hours after a mudslide trapped several drivers in Southern California.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports that earthquakes of less than magnitude 2 are not usually felt. An earthquake with a magnitude between 3 and 3.9 is considered small. The USGS also reports that earthquakes usually do not cause damage until they reach a magnitude of 4 to 5, although damage may occur with less earthquakes depending on the type of construction, type of soil, and other causes.

Ruins inside St. Catherine’s Church in Alexandria after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake on July 28, 2022 in Tiom, Abra Province, Philippines. A 2.6 magnitude earthquake was felt in Southern California this morning by residents. Photo by Ezra Akian/Getty Images

The Southern California Seismic Center (SCEC) reports that earthquakes in Southern California are common due to the San Andreas Fault, which runs through most of California. California earthquakes occur when the Pacific plate moves against the North American plate. Movement occurs at a rate of approximately 2 inches per year. Faults produce half of the region’s large earthquakes and as many small earthquakes as the earthquakes felt earlier today, the agency said.

Todd Hall, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, told Newsweek that today’s earthquake has nothing to do with storms and mudslides. Hall said a flash flood warning will remain in place in the Los Angeles area until 10 p.m. PDT tonight.

CNN reported that the mudslide hit when storms triggered flash floods last night. Storms hit Southern California as Hurricane Kay withdrew from the area. Drivers had to be rescued from their cars after cars got stuck in mud and debris on Pine Canyon Road near Lake Hughes, 65 miles north of Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department tweeted Sunday evening that it is in the process of rescuing motorists trapped by the storm.

landslide – mud flow | Ben 11 | 20120 PINE CANyON RD USFS SHAFFER RD & BlAISDELL MTWY #PINEIC | At 7:41 PM the #LACoFD units arrived to help tackle several cars stuck in the mud and debris flow, the accident is still active. The Red Cross has been notified with Public Works #PINEIC

– LA County Fire Department (LACoFDPIO) September 12, 2022

The Los Angeles Fire Department’s Air Operations Division tweeted that it has deployed two Firehawk helicopters to aid in the rescue effort. Helicopters used night vision technology to rescue eight adults and six children across five sites affected by the mudslide.

Night silt/fever flow 9/11/22 Two LACoFireAirOps Firehawk helicopters use night vision technology to rescue 8 adults and 6 children from five different locations scattered across several miles of flooded Pine Canyon in Lake Hughes after a slow-moving thunderstorm.

– LACoFireAirOps (@LACoFireAirOps) September 12, 2022

Santa Clarita Accidents wrote on Twitter that 24 vehicles were stuck on the road during the mudslide, involving 53 people. No one is hurt.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mudslides are relatively common and cause 25 to 50 deaths annually.

CNN reported that rain and storms are expected to continue until today. This morning, the National Weather Services Los Angeles tweeted that slow-moving thunderstorms are likely to continue into today and could cause another flash flood warning tonight for the Antelope Valley region.




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