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A 7.6-magnitude earthquake strikes off the island of Maluku, shaking the islands of the archipelago

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake strikes off the island of Maluku, shaking the islands of the archipelago



Jakarta ●Tuesday, January 10, 2023 2023-01-10 10:38 1 5aba7b8a7e7e6df2023f04d0fa255eb6 2 Indonesia archipelago, Maluku, East Timor, earthquake, disaster, tsunami-free

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the depths of the ocean off Maluku and Timor-Leste early Tuesday morning, injuring at least one person after shaking neighboring islands, damaging homes and forcing residents to flee in panic.

The US Geological Survey said the epicenter was 427 km south of Ambon, at a depth of 95 km.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency said the quake was felt in East Timor, the Maluku archipelago and Papua. It reported some aftershocks of magnitude 5.5.

BMKG Chairman Dwikorita Karnawati said at a press conference, advising people living near the coast to continue with activities.

The European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) recorded the earthquake’s magnitude as 7.6, after initially reporting it as 7.7. The USGS also pegged it at a magnitude of 7.6.

BMKG said there were four aftershocks, the strongest with a magnitude of 5.5.

“I was in my bed and then I felt a little shaking. I woke up and discovered that many of my friends felt it too,” Hamdi, a resident of Ambon, told AFP.

The country’s disaster mitigation agency (BNPB) said at least 15 homes and two schools were damaged on the Tanimbar Islands.

She added that the strongest tremor was felt in Somlaki, the largest city in the archipelago, with a population of eight thousand people.

“As for the victims, the local disaster agency reported that one person was injured. The tremor was felt strong (in Tanimbar) between three to five seconds,” NDMA spokesman Abdul Mahari said in a statement on Tuesday.

“People were in a state of panic and fled their homes.”

Pictures released by the agency showed damage to homes in several villages in southwest Maluku Regency.

In one village, the roofs and walls of several damaged homes collapsed. Debris and household items were scattered on the ground.

Videos posted by Twitter users showed that the earthquake caused lighting poles to sway and prompted residents to flee buildings and take to the streets in the port of Tual in the Maluku archipelago.

The Indonesian Geophysics Agency initially warned of a possible tsunami, then lifted the warning.

“ground rumble”

The quake was felt as far as Darwin, the capital of the Australian Northern Territory, with at least 1,000 people reporting it to the Australian Geosciences Agency.

“Strong shaking going on here in #Darwin right now from what appears to be a very dangerous earthquake to our north,” wrote @OreboundImages user @OreboundImages on Twitter.

“Can you hear the earth gurgling,” a Darwin resident wrote on the EMSC website.

One Darwin resident still says: “It was huge! It went for ages, the whole house was really shaking.”

A video posted by Twitter users in Darwin showed water in cups and jugs spilling from one side to the other.

Indonesia experiences frequent seismic activity due to its location on the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, where tectonic plates collide.

On November 21, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck the densely populated West Java province on the main island of Java, killing 602 people.

A major earthquake off Sumatra on December 26, 2004 triggered a tsunami in the Indian Ocean that killed more than 230,000 people as far away as Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.

This powerful 9.1-magnitude earthquake caused waves 100 feet high to crash into Banda Aceh Beach in Sumatra.




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