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Chinese media falsely claims that the US stole aid for earthquake victims in Syria

Chinese media falsely claims that the US stole aid for earthquake victims in Syria


Chinese state media promoted a conspiracy theory about the US stealing aid for earthquake victims. This claim was picked up by pro-Russian and pro-Iranian influencers, reaching more than 1 million users on social media. The false allegations were based on helping US soldiers distribute humanitarian aid in Turkey. Upload something that is being loaded.

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Last February, Chinese state media bragged about how Beijing had stepped up to provide Turkey with much-needed humanitarian aid in the aftermath of the deadly Feb. 6 earthquake that killed tens of thousands in Turkey and northern Syria, including what the English said. He described the Communist Party arm as having “20 metric tons of badly needed cotton tents”.

But by March, the state-run news service China Radio International was shocked that Chinese aid had ended up in Turkey, and instead claimed in an anti-American conspiracy theory that the aid had been stolen from a separate humanitarian shipment to Syria. The Iranian government and pro-Russian influencers have since picked up on the claim, reaching hundreds of thousands of people on Twitter, Facebook and Telegram.

According to the state-run China Radio International, not even the most cynical anti-imperialist “thought that the US military would confiscate even relief supplies sent by China to the earthquake zone in Syria!”

The article, published in Turkish, directs readers to a photo the US military posted to its Instagram page earlier this month showing a US soldier in Turkey carrying humanitarian aid, identified by social media users as tents with Chinese writing on them. The article states that this writing is “exactly the same” as the writing on the aid “which China sent to the earthquake victims in Syria.”

The Chinese state media article emphasized that there could only be one explanation: “blatant looting”.

The false claim quickly spread to Twitter.

“The Americans are not only stealing oil from Syria, but also humanitarian aid,” one user wrote. This post has now been viewed more than 1.4 million times, as measured by Twitter, and its language has been copied and pasted by others.

Likewise, Iran’s Press TV, without providing a source, published a photo of the American soldier carrying Chinese aid and confirmed that it has now been “reported that the tents were from a humanitarian convoy sent by China to Syria.” Even pro-Russian influencers pointed out that the photo did in fact show the theft in action, falsely claiming it was taken in Syria and showing the aid being loaded onto US military vehicles.

An American soldier helps distribute aid to earthquake victims in Turkey. Screenshot / Instagram / US Army

On Facebook, the false story of alleged American criminality was posted to a pro-China group with more than 127,000 followers and shared by a Moscow-based animal rights activist, who posted a photo of the soldier uploaded from Weibo, the Chinese social network. He appears to have first published the story—initially, it would seem, a nationalist mockery of the United States for its distribution of Chinese humanitarian aid before turning into a story of international theft and intrigue. Other Chinese media outlets have used the anecdote to remind readers that the United States has imposed sanctions on Syria, which Beijing opposes.

In fact, as The Stars and Stripes reported at the time the Chinese supplies were delivered, U.S. military personnel stationed at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base were helping unload aid sent from around the world, including “medical equipment from Texas, blankets from China.” , [and] Sleeping bags from Kazakhstan.

The photo inadvertently released by the US military did not reveal an international conspiracy, detectable by people browsing Instagram during their work break, but instead depicted international cooperation – China sending vital aid to Turkey from the US, due to its presence on the ground in an organ NATO, was in a position to distribute. But in an age of increasing hostility between global powers, even those rare moments of cooperation seem outrageous.

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