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Garinger High Effort Offers Free Prom Dresses

Garinger High Effort Offers Free Prom Dresses


CHARLOTTE, NC (QUEEN CITY NEWS) At Garinger High, we heard a sign of spring; the sound of birds chirping. This also means that prom season is upon us.

Either royal blue or purple, says student Alisha Howard, browsing the racks of dresses available at Garinger. Ok yeah, well try this one!

Nowadays, finding evening wear is not a simple formality when you consider the cost. Cinderellas Closet on the Garinger campus is a rare retail experience; everything is free.

It's for the ball, said Howard. This is where you really need to come out, look nice.

I love this one, it suits me perfectly! coming out of the fitting room with a blue dress.

You cannot circle around the truth; prom can be a costly endeavor. The cost of going to the big dance is too high for some students.

That's why the school secretary, Peggy Shropshire, came up with the idea of ​​opening a temporary clothing store.

It all started when a young woman I spoke with couldn't go to prom because she couldn't afford a dress, Shropshire said.

In 2023, with the support of Garinger alumni, Cinderellas Closet donated 80 dresses, from new to gently used. This year, about 375 are available. A group called Lady Wildcats collected most of the inventory, just in time for teenagers like Howard.

I was going through a tough time where work didn't match what I could afford to buy a dress, Howard told Queen City News.

Although the dresses are free, Lady Wildcat can tell you that the chance to make memories is priceless.

A lot of them wouldn't go to prom, that's how it really started, says Lady Wildcats founder Debbie Thomas, a Class of '68 graduate.

Shell will cherish her prom photo forever. She wore a homemade dress that wowed her date. What happened to him ?

I married him, said Thomas, laughing.

She and her husband Larry have been married for 56 years.

I just can't imagine not being able to go to prom if you wanted to, Larry said. Because it was really important to us at the time.

Really? Oh ! senior Julissa Amaya spoke about Thomas' love story. Honestly, it's cute.

Due to the large number of donations, students from other Cinderellas Closet schools were also invited to choose from the inventory which also included props and costumes for the boys.

After months of sad news, Garinger could use a helping hand.

They have I had a rough year this year, some shootings; a bad wreck, said Debbie Thomas. It's been a very bad year for them. But it's fun to see them smile.

At Cinderellas Closet, joy is written on the students’ faces.

After a series of disturbing headlines, Garinger takes the time to delve into the Cinderella stories.




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