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US Army Soldier Arrested in Russia

US Army Soldier Arrested in Russia


A U.S. Army soldier was arrested by Russian authorities in the port city of Vladivostok for criminal misconduct, the State and Defense Departments said Monday, adding what could be a new complication in Moscow's contentious relations and Washington.

A military official identified the soldier as Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, 34, said he was about to return home to Fort Cavazos in Texas after being stationed in South Korea. He was apprehended on May 2, and Russia informed the State Department of the criminal detention of the soldiers, in accordance with international agreements between the two countries.

The Army has notified his family and the U.S. State Department is providing appropriate consular support to the soldier in Russia, Cynthia O. Smith, an Army spokeswoman, said in a statement.

A State Department official reiterated the U.S. government's warning to Americans not to travel to Russia. Sergeant Black's arrest was reported earlier by NBC News.

The detention follows a trend seen in recent years: Americans have been arrested in Russia and detained, sometimes indefinitely, on what U.S. officials say are often trumped-up charges. The detentions have eroded already tense relations between Russia and the United States, which have clashed notably over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but also over a host of other issues, including this which Washington considers to be Moscow's desire to deploy a nuclear weapon in space. .

Evan Gershkovich, a journalist at the Wall Street Journal, has been imprisoned by Russian authorities for more than a year on espionage charges, which he and his employer deny. The White House designated him as wrongfully detained, and President Biden reiterated calls for his release last month.

Paul Whelan, a corporate security executive and former U.S. Marine, is serving a 16-year prison sentence in a Russian penal colony for what the U.S. government said were trumped-up espionage charges. Brittney Griner, a professional basketball player, was detained in Russia for approximately 10 months and released in December 2022 in exchange for Viktor Bout, a Russian convicted of plotting to kill Americans and providing material support to a terrorist group.

And in February, Russia's main security agency said a dual Russian and American citizen had been arrested in the city of Yekaterinburg, accused of treason while raising money for Ukraine. The woman, who lived in Los Angeles, is accused of sending just over $50 to a New York-based nonprofit that sends aid to Ukraine. She faces up to 20 years in prison.

It took weeks of diplomacy for the United States to secure the return of another Army soldier recently arrested in a hostile country. The soldier, Pvt. Travis T. King was released in October after being arrested by North Korean authorities. He entered this country from South Korea without authorization in July at the border village of Panmunjom.




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