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The first ever earthquake simulation in a 10-storey wooden building

The first ever earthquake simulation in a 10-storey wooden building


The first ever earthquake simulation in a 10-storey wooden building

Construction of the 10-story Tallwood Building on the UC San Diego shake table. Image © David Baillot / Jacobs School of Engineering / University of California San Diego Share Share







When it comes to earthquake resistance, there are a number of myths that question wood’s ability to perform adequately in the event of an earthquake. However, the ductility of this material allows it to plastically deform without breaking and to absorb and dissipate energy generated by motion and vibration. Moreover, unlike steel or concrete, wood is a lightweight material with a good strength-to-weight ratio, which enables it to withstand seismic forces without adding excessive load to the construction. This has been verified extensively in smaller scale structures around the world, but how does a huge wooden building behave in the face of an earthquake?

To dispel doubts, the Tallwood Project recently erected a 10-story laminated timber (CLT) building at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The structure was tested on a vibration table simulating the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, with a magnitude of 6.7, and the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake in Taiwan, with a magnitude of 7.7.

Collective log buildings, constructed with layers of wood bonded together, are increasingly common in cities around the world as they are seen as an environmentally responsible alternative due to the lower levels of energy embodied in them. This is particularly the case in many jurisdictions in the United States, where updates to the International Building Code (IBC) have allowed incremental increases in the heights of such buildings. The updates also provide detailed design and construction guidance, as well as requirements for fire resistance, load capacity, and earthquake protection.

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To collect concrete data and validate the seismic design methodology for tall wooden buildings, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) has committed $17 million to update the world’s largest outdoor earthquake simulator. Measuring 25 by 40 feet, this vibrating table is part of NSF’s Natural Hazard Engineering Research Infrastructure Network and has the capacity to hold and shake structures weighing up to 2,000 metric tons or 4.5 million pounds, the equivalent of 1,300 sedans. The simulator accurately reproduces the full 3D ground motions experienced during earthquakes, including motion in all six degrees of freedom: longitudinal, lateral, vertical, roll, tilt, and yaw.

Construction of the 10-story Tallwood Building on the UC San Diego shake table. Image © David Baillot/Jacobs School of Engineering/University of California, San Diego

Designed by LEVER Architecture and built by Timberlab using donated collective timber products, the Tallwood Building is 116 feet tall. According to the architects, “The design, developed as a market-price prototype, is distinguished by its collective timber vibrating walls, which allow the structure to vibrate and re-center during an earthquake, without any damage to the underlying structural system. Tensioned steel bars absorb the full height of each vibrating wall, as well as panels U-shaped Flexible Replaceable Units (UFPs) at each floor level, the strength of the seismic event. The concept exceeds basic life safety performance requirements by creating a resilient and easily repairable solution, avoiding the need to demolish the building following an earthquake.”

During the tests, the 800 sensors collected important data that will allow computer models to be developed and calibrated to help engineers design similar buildings in the real world. The upper four floors will now be dismantled for further testing focused on the reuse of materials at the end of their useful life.

Construction of the 10-story Tallwood Building on the UC San Diego shake table. Image © David Baillot / Jacobs School of Engineering / University of California San Diego Constructing the 10-story Tallwood Building on a UC San Diego shake table. Image © David Baillot/Jacobs School of Engineering/University of California, San Diego

The project was supported by the US National Science Foundation and a consortium of universities, including Colorado College of Mines (CDM), University of Nevada (Reno), Colorado State University, Washington State University, Washington State University, University of California (San Diego) and Oregon State University. and Lehigh University. The project has also received support from the US Forest Service, the Forest Products Laboratory, and a number of industry partners.

Related Article Is collective timber a good choice for seismic areas?




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