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Crisis deepens in Haiti after earthquake, torrential flooding – and other world news you might have missed

Crisis deepens in Haiti after earthquake, torrential flooding – and other world news you might have missed


Euronews reports that Haitians are dealing with the aftermath of a series of devastating natural disasters.

On Tuesday, a 4.9-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, killing at least four people and injuring nearly 40 others. Just days ago, heavy flooding killed at least 52 people and destroyed thousands of homes. Some people suffering from the effects of the crisis were already living in camps for the displaced, after the 2021 earthquake destroyed their homes.

Residents wade through flooded roads in Haiti on June 3. (Richard Pierre / AFP via Getty Images)

The World Food Program said tens of thousands of Haitians were affected. “A significant weather event at this level so early in the hurricane season … raises concerns about the ability to provide a sustainable response if extreme weather events continue to occur,” the group said.

why does it matter

In the past decade, Haiti has been hit by a relentless series of natural disasters as well as escalating gang violence and political crises. With more disasters hitting the Caribbean nation, officials fear the country will never be able to fully recover.

Here are four more international news stories you might have missed this week from the Yahoo News Partner Network.

The UN investigation found “credible evidence” of sexual abuse by peacekeepers

The United Nations announced on Friday that it is sending home a contingent of 60 peacekeepers from the Central African Republic after allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation. (Florent Vergnes/AFP via Getty Images)

As CNN reported, the United Nations announced on Friday that it will send home a contingent of 60 peacekeepers from the Central African Republic following allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for the United Nations, told reporters that an initial investigation found that 11 peacekeepers, from Tanzania, sexually assaulted and exploited at least four victims – two of them children. UN investigators have also discovered that there has been a breakdown in the authority of those leading the mission. The suspects were stationed at a temporary base in the west of the country. “The unit will be repatriated as soon as the investigation is completed,” Dujarric said on Friday.

Story continues

why does it matter

The United Nations has been based in the Central African Republic since 2014, when conflict erupted after years of civil war. According to United Nations statistics, more than half of the Central African Republic’s population needs assistance and protection. The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the Central African Republic, Mohamed Ag Ayweya, said last week that 2.4 million people “have needs so severe and complex that their very survival and dignity are at stake.” The dire situation continues to deteriorate with the continuation of the conflict, the lack of potable water and underdevelopment.

Dutch town imposes “increased surveillance” to limit sex on a nudist beach

A town in the Netherlands has launched a campaign to discourage visitors from engaging in sexual acts on a nudist beach. (Getty Images)

The Guardian reported on Saturday that a town in the Netherlands has launched a campaign to discourage visitors from engaging in sexual acts on a nudist beach.

Mayor Frederik Choignar of the southwestern Dutch city of Vieri where the beach is located, said in a statement that the dunes are very important to the local community and so “they must be protected from unwanted behavior that damages the natural environment and can disturb other vacationers.”

Veere City Council created “Project Oranjezon” after receiving a large number of complaints about “sexual acts by nude entertainers”. Last Thursday, posters and billboards on the beach warned beachgoers that it is forbidden to have sex in public on the beach and around the dunes. The local government will conduct “increased monitoring” in an effort to stop “sex meeting place activities in the dunes, nature reserve and beach”.

The European Union calls for an investigation after the poisoning of 77 Afghan schoolgirls

An Afghan schoolgirl receives treatment for suspected poisoning, at a hospital in Sar-e-Pol province in northern Afghanistan, June 5 (Associated Press).

The European Union has called for an investigation into two separate toxic attacks that left nearly 80 schoolgirls hospitalized in Afghanistan, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Sixty girls were poisoned at Niswan Kabud Ab School and 17 others were poisoned in Niswan Faizabad in two separate attacks on June 3 and 4 in Sar-i-Pul province, northern Afghanistan. The head of the education department, Mohammad Rahmani, said the girls began to suffer from dizziness, asthma and headaches, while others vomited.

A preliminary investigation found that the person accused of the attack had a personal vendetta but used a third party to carry out the poisonings.

The European Union called the attacks “a heinous crime that must be pursued by the de facto authorities.” She added, “The right to education is a human right for all children everywhere. Schools must be safe places for all children.” Since the Taliban took over in August 2021, education for women and girls beyond sixth grade has been prohibited.

I found thousands of fake tweets defending the UAE’s hosting of the United Nations Climate Summit

At least 100 fake social media accounts promoting the climate summit in the United Arab Emirates were discovered. (marcowenjones)

The Guardian reports that an expert on social media disinformation found at least 30,000 tweets from 100 fake Twitter accounts defending the UAE’s hosting of the 28 UN Climate Summit.

Dr Mark Owen Jones, of Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, discovered a “major, multilingual effort at subtle promotion” of fake accounts promoting and defending the controversial event. Environmental activists criticized the choice because the UAE is a major producer of oil and natural gas, which are major contributors to climate change.

“It’s a network of fake accounts trying to promote the UAE’s foreign policy,” Jones said. “They are focused on promoting or cleaning up Cop28 by defending and deflecting criticism of Cop28’s presence in the UAE.” Since the accounts were exposed, some of them have been removed by Twitter.

“these [fake accounts] They were created by outside actors not associated with Cop28 and are clearly designed to discredit Cop28 and the climate process,” a COP28 spokesperson told the Guardian.




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