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Charitable donation from Welsh football fans to Türkiye earthquake survivors

Charitable donation from Welsh football fans to Türkiye earthquake survivors


The UK’s ambassador to Turkey paid tribute to Welsh football fans who donated money to support earthquake victims in the country.

A 2-0 defeat of Rob Page’s side may leave Wales’ European Championship qualification hopes hanging in the balance, but high-flying Welsh diplomat Gil Morris says the visiting Red Wall fans have won the hearts and minds of the Turks.

Jill was born in Chester but grew up in North Wales and attended Monday night’s game at Samsun Stadium on the Black Sea coast.

She paid tribute to the generosity of Red Wall supporters who raised £1,000 through the fan charity Gôl Cymru! To donate to the Darushavaka Earthquake Support Campaign.

More than 50,000 people died in the devastating natural disaster in February.

Gill, 55, said: “Unfortunately it wasn’t our night against Turkey on the pitch, but the Welsh fans have won so many hearts and minds with their behavior and kindness.

“I have just returned from visiting one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria in February, and even four months later, it is difficult to comprehend the extent of the devastation.

The UK has been at the forefront of the humanitarian response, allocating a £43 million support package to help an estimated 2.4 million people who are now in temporary sites after being displaced by the earthquake disaster.

“The generosity of the British people has been phenomenal, and I would like to thank Gul Cymru! and the Welsh fans for their generous support of Darüşşafaka’s earthquake support campaign. It will make a real difference, helping to support children and families who are in real need.”

The Darushavaka Earthquake Support Campaign was launched specifically to support children who were victims of the earthquake. Darushavaka Schools was originally established in 1873 and provides secondary education to gifted but financially disadvantaged children whose father has passed away.

Students receive a high-quality education along with an intensive foreign language curriculum, and grow up as socially and culturally informed individuals. These schools and opportunities are especially important for children who lost their families and homes in the earthquake.

Eileen Thomas, Gul Cymru Actress! He said: “It was such a helpless feeling that we all saw the heartbreaking images of the earthquake.

“Jules Cymru! Really pleased to be able to provide some support to the children affected by this terrible event.

We hope that some of them will be able to resume their education and move on with their lives in their new schools. Thanks again to all the Cymru fans for making this donation possible.”

Ankara-based Gill and her team at the British Embassy helped oversee the deployment of 77 search and rescue experts from the UK to help find survivors under the rubble, including five firefighters from Wales.

Gill’s team also helped coordinate the launch of a British government field hospital in Gaziantep, southern Turkey, which has treated more than 20,000 patients.

She added: “The scale of the destruction means that many people have left literally nothing but the clothes they were wearing.

They lost everything in the collapsed houses, if they were lucky enough to escape with their lives. Shops and markets have been destroyed and people no longer even have kitchens to cook in.

We continue to work on providing shelter, support for essential items, water, sanitation and hygiene, and doing everything we can to limit the spread of the disease.

“The scale of the challenge before us may seem daunting, but the fact that the UK has raised over £100m during the cost of living crisis shows that the British public is directly behind this response. We stand in solidarity with the people of Turkey and northern Syria in their time of need.”

Gill was joined at the match by fellow Welsh diplomat Neil Jones, 60, who was heading up the British Embassy’s consular support for Welsh fans attending the match against Turkey.

Neil, of Merthyr Tydfill, has spent a busy fortnight as he also oversaw support operations for the Manchester City fans who attended their club’s historic Champions League Final victory over Inter Milan in Istanbul earlier this month.

He said: “It was a disappointing result for the team, but I would like to applaud the Welsh fans for their behaviour.

“It has been a frantic month for our consular team ensuring the fans have their full support. The scenes of celebration after Manchester City won the Champions League will live with me forever.”




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