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Generational hockey talent handpicked by WHL's Everett Silvertips

Generational hockey talent handpicked by WHL's Everett Silvertips


One of the most anticipated hockey prospects in Western Hockey League history is coming to the Pacific Northwest. The Everett Silvertips selected a defenseman Landon DuPont with the No. 1 overall pick in the Western Hockey League Prospects Draft on Thursday.

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DuPont, who turns 15 on May 28, is only the second player ever to be awarded exceptional player status by the WHL. He joins Connor Bedard, the NHL's No. 1 overall pick in 2023, of the Chicago Blackhawks. DuPont, a native of Calgary, Alberta, is also only the ninth player to be granted exceptional status by the Canadian Hockey League, which oversees the WHL, Ontario Hockey League and Quebec Maritimes Junior Hockey League. Other CHL players receiving exceptional status include Seattle Kraken center Shane Wright.

“I am super excited and honored to be selected,” DuPont said in a press release from the Silvertips. I can't wait to get things going. It is a great organization that is running very well.

Exceptional player status allows experienced, underage players to compete in the WHL at the age of 15. Players are typically not eligible to play in the WHL until the season of their 16th birthday.

The 6-foot-1, 170-pound DuPont led Edge School U18 Prep of the Canadian Sports School Hockey League with 62 points (19 goals, 43 assists) in 30 games during the 2023-2024 season. He joins an Everett franchise that has reached the WHL playoffs every season since joining the league in 2003-04, including reaching the second round after finishing this season with the fourth-best record among the WHL.

The selection of DuPont by the Silvertips is the result of one of the largest transactions in WHL history. Everett dealt standout defenseman Olen Zellweger and forward Ryan Hofer to the Kamloops Blazers last season for four players and 10 draft picks. The Blazers, who were committed to pursuing a WHL championship and competing in the CHL's Memorial Cup, an event they hosted, sent four first-rounders to Everett in the deal, including the 2024 one. Kamloops went on to finish with the worst record in the league this season, and as a result Everett was awarded the first pick in the WHL Draft Lottery. The Silvertips play their home games at Angel of the Winds Arena in Everett.

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