Physicists did an earthquake in the laboratory, bringing science closer to controlling the elements
Scientists from the Institute of Atmospheric Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology were able to reproduce a slow earthquake while generating low-frequency oscillations in laboratory conditions. Analysis of the results showed that, according to the seismic data recorded, it is possible to predict the operations in the crust errors, which are true seismic destroyers.
The work was published in Scientific Reports. The science adds intermediate tones to the black and white perception of the surrounding world by man. In the case of earthquakes, it was previously believed that there are two types of extremism: either the Earth’s crust is resting, or an earthquake that cannot be ignored occurs. In fact, everything is more complicated. The earthquake is the result of the shift of blocks of the Earth’s crust relative to each other along the tectonic rift.
In addition to regular earthquakes, there are “slow” earthquakes, where the Earth’s crust fluctuates so weakly that people do not feel it at all, although the energy released during such an event can be the same as it is during a normal earthquake. Only such events can be recorded effectively. Therefore, scientists need to understand what determines the formation of different types of earthquakes and whether there are general patterns between these processes.
“The potential task is to figure out how to convert a regular earthquake into a slow earthquake. Make sure to release energy and not destroy due to the elastic vibrations. But so far, there is still no deep understanding of the mechanisms and nature of the different types of slipping from the crustal masses along the fault, which It leads to different types of earthquakes. We are trying to understand these mechanics. And at the moment, we have already learned how to reproduce in the laboratory analog of these events: slow and rapid earthquakes. Professor of theoretical and physics department at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
But in nature, it is impossible to go deep into the epicenter of the earthquake and see what kind of materials exist to measure stress. The only way to obtain at least some information about the processes taking place in depth is to analyze seismic vibrations coming from the error area, or vibrations that pass through the error area and can carry information about their condition. The authors investigated the acoustic vibrations that occur during the intent of laboratory earthquakes to “read” the history of mechanical movements in the fault zone and predict the moment of the earthquake.
“We used granite blocks to model the tectonic rift, the space between which we fill with granular materials (sand, clay, granite flakes) with different properties (particle size, humidity). In a true error, the same fragmented environment, only the scale is much larger.
With various earthquakes, their distinctive waveforms are emitted: With rapid (“normal”) earthquakes, we see a rush with sharp sudden onset, and with slow events, the oscillations increase gradually, and its beginning is difficult to determine, so it was not previously detected in the laboratory. We explained in this work that it is important to look at the shape of the pulse wave with amplitude and energy, and that slow and rapid earthquake types can be observed in laboratory experiments. “
After processing a large amount of seismic sound data, the authors identified two main categories of pulses. It turns out that it is through the form of acoustic pulses that one can actually judge what is happening with the error, and the fast, slow and delicate events are responsible for the different structural regions in this error. Quick little events – to destroy the energy tire and the development of a stressful structure. Slow elements are related to the movement of individual single elements in the error area. Thus, the detected patterns indicate that an imminent earthquake can be expected from the analysis of acoustic sound data.
The next step, which approaches the possibility of converting rapid earthquakes into slow earthquakes, should be the study of tectonic tectonic earthquakes directly related to human engineering, i.e. extraction of mineral raw materials. Such events occur at depths where field development is carried out directly. By knowing the structural features of malfunctions and blocks in the field due to mechanical procedures, it will be possible to change the slip position predictably, which will allow working methods to convert a quick earthquake into a slow earthquake.
There are two different ways the first approach is to try to reduce the intensity of the earthquake due to the effect of external explosives, i.e. replacing a large earthquake with many small earthquakes. But in this way it does not often give any safety gains to people. The second method is to inject special fluids or fluids into the rift zone. Then, depending on the properties of the fluid, the fragile fracture turns into viscous deformation mechanisms.
“In our laboratory experiments, we begin to understand the type of fluid that should be injected in error, what are the properties of this liquid, and the characteristic size of the impact region. The next step is to define the features of the fault structure based on acoustic data, and thus define the impact region.” This will be a new stage in Our understanding of the nature of earthquakes, “concludes Alexey Ostapchuk. This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation.
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