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Coast Guard determines response to disasters along the Columbia River | local news


The US Coast Guard sector, the Columbia River, has developed a plan to respond to natural or man-made disturbances in the shipping system, from the damaged dam to the Cascadia and Tsunami earthquake.

The plan, which was finalized in February, is standardized so that crews from other sectors can implement the response.

A grain ship on the Columbia River in the port of Calama.

Ashley Ahern / Koo

The coastal strip of the Columbia River serves Oregon and southern Washington State and the 33 ports along the Columbia River, Snake and Willamette systems that extend from the Pacific Ocean to Lewiston, Idaho.

The $ 20 billion marine transportation system includes 8.5 million tons of grain exports, 1,500 foreign ships, 50,000 cruise ship passengers, 295,000 recreational boats and 2,000 commercial fishing vessels.

Captain Gretchen Bailey, Deputy Leader of the Columbia River Sector, described the crowded waterways as a “hidden little gem”.

“There will be a major defect in the shipping system worldwide. We are the main source of grains in the United States, so it will have a global impact. Bailey said: It is the main portal for the export of American barley, and a major source of corn, bulk materials, woods, and paper products.

“For the Coast Guard, we have partnerships with local, international, federal and private stakeholders, and we have developed this plan for a coordinated response. We do this by practicing sport on an annual basis, if not more.”

Jim Merten, the Coast Guard’s port security specialist in charge of the maritime transport system restoration unit, used the Catacadia subduction disaster.

He said that if a ship needs to deliver relief supplies after an earthquake, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will sweep away the canal and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will release the canal to ensure it is deep enough and meets all requirements.

“Then we will go ahead and return aid and navigation so that all ships can safely drive there. Then each port will work on their disaster recovery plans simultaneously so that they can equip their port to receive these ships as well.”

He said that the plan will be activated under three conditions – when the infrastructure, such as a bridge, lock, or dam, is damaged; When traffic is disrupted by issues such as labor conflict or civil unrest; Or when an emergency response to an accident on a part of a river disrupts traffic on the rest of the river.

“So we will have to use the captain of the port orders to move ships or allow ships to enter into various requests once the disruption is removed,” Merten said.

Last September, a navigation lock on the Columbia River in the Bonneville Dam was closed for 21 days after a portion of the locking system was cracked. The Coast Guard worked with ships to create a priority list for who would be the first to move once the channel was reopened.

Bailey said: “The really amazing thing is seeing it with the industrialists, they know each other’s shipments and they are able to prioritize those at home who need to go first, and who need second place.” “So they were actually quite aware of what it takes to get the river and what it takes to get the river. And so they managed to coordinate that very well.”

Merten said that the recovery unit is directly affiliated with the port’s captain, and that the affected companies and agencies are included in the process.

“And then while we try to prioritize the flows of goods and things like that, we define alternative ideas and alternative methods, whether it is a railway, whether it is barge, whether it transports goods from different outlets, different places, things like that – we’re taking a regional kind of The holistic approach to the river system at this event. “


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