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The study provides a comprehensive overview of terrestrial venomous snakes and snakes in the Middle East


The resuscitation of snakes is a common problem in many parts of the world, but little is known about its size in the Arab countries of the Middle East, where cases are not widely reported.

The goal is to halve the number of deaths and disability injuries from snake resuscitation over the next 12 years through a program targeting affected communities and their health systems, and ensuring access to safe, effective treatment by increasing collaboration, collaboration and partnership at all levels.

An interdisciplinary group of zoologists and snake experts recently reviewed the existing English and Arabic literature on terrestrial venomous snakes and snake bites in Arab countries of the Middle East, providing a current and comprehensive overview of the situation in the region.

With a wide range of habitats, the survey found that there are 19 species of terrestrial venomous snakes of various medical significance in the region. They include 14 viperides (excluding the very suspicious record o Montivipera xanthina in Syria) (photo 1), 3 elapids (photo 2) and 2 atractaspidine.


DA Warrell / A sample of caterpillars (Echis omanensis) from Oman from Rustaq, Oman.

The review shows that the available scientific literature is diverse throughout the region, and that epidemiological and clinical data on snakes in some countries are generally limited or even lacking.

Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen reported the highest number of snake cases (e.g., a study in Saudi Arabia described 1,019 snake cases between 2005 and 2010), with common epidemiological patterns: men mostly bite outside on his feet. On the other hand, only two reports of snake cases were found from Kuwait and information is not available from Qatar.

Countries in this region should be encouraged to report snake bites and scorpion bites to report disease and to record associated mortality and morbidity so that the importance of these health conditions can be reliably assessed.“Said Professor David Warrell of Oxford University in the UK, who is the co-author of the study.


There are only two ancient producers in this region. The SYRIA Science and Research Center now only produces scorpion antivens. Their “Polyvalent anti-snake serum Venom” is no longer available. The National Center for the Production of Antiques and Vaccines (NAVPC), National Guard Health Issues, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, produces bivalently Well / Walterinnesia Snake Antiven, polyvalent Snake Antiven and polyvalent Scorpion Antiven.

Imported Indian trains “Snake venom antitoxin (Biosnake)” claimed to be neutralized Naja haje, Naja nigricollis and Cerastes destroys toxins, but the geographical origin of these venoms and the clinical efficacy of antivemus in snake bites in Arab countries have not been proven.

The current political turmoil in the region threatens local production and imports from neighboring Middle East countries. It also makes it difficult to develop a coordinated regional initiative to overcome this shortcoming. Responsible international producers outside the region should consider developing appropriate ways to meet humanitarian needs and marketing opportunities. However, new regional antivenomes must be designed on the basis of good knowledge of species known to be of the greatest medical importance and bred using snake venom in Arab countries.“Said Professor Zuhair S. Amr, lead author, Jordan, University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.

Appropriate prevention and increased awareness of this public health problem in the region should also be promoted, especially among farmers and other groups in rural areas, and encounters with snakes in their daily lives should be exposed.

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