How does Google Spreadsheets work for teachers?
What is Google Sheets? How does it work for teachers? It’s a term searched by many teachers trying to step into the water of free online spreadsheet creation tools. So, if you’re here, you can clarify everything and dive right in, so you know the way to the right place.
This takes you to the world of Google Spreadsheets so you can not only know what it is and what you can do, but also know how to easily manipulate it. If you’re already using Google Classroom, this is a must for your digital toolbox.
What is Google Sheets?
Google Spreadsheet is a cloud-based spreadsheet tool. Consider Microsoft Excel, which has less restrictions. Teachers can create spreadsheets to help with class planning, marking, student editing, resource organization, activity reviews, quizzes and more.
Basically there is the possibility of a blank sheet where you can build new creative ways to interact with your class. You can close as many Google Sheets as you like, for example you can offer a multiple choice quiz. Or you can leave the interpretation free so you and your class can create something entirely new from scratch.
(Image credit: Google)
Cloud-based Google Sheets is important because sharing with students is as easy as sending a link, posting to Classroom, and collaborating. Students can work on projects together and watch live edits. Teachers can also check in to see how their progress (if any) is being made.
Like Excel, spreadsheets allow you to enter formulas, so cells can automatically calculate results based on what you type in other fields. This can include, for example, a self-scoring quiz that sums the scores as the student progresses.
How does Google Sheets work?
If you sign up with a Google account, you can open the spreadsheet app in the browser window of most devices or through the Android or iPhone app. This allows you to create a new sheet.
The point here is that there are multiple templates that can provide a starting framework, so you are not limited to just choosing a new blank sheet. Especially for teachers, there are many options to choose from, thanks to the third party templates available online.
To use a template found online or shared by another teacher, make a copy, use it for your own, and edit it to your liking. This is also a great way to share with your students, and each student can edit their own copy, so you can use the original as is and use it as a template.
Despite being cloud-based, you can work offline with all the changes you make.
(Image credit: Google) What are the best features of Google Sheets?
One of the best features of Google Sheets is free. It has a vast amount of power, possibilities and ease of use, but is accessible to anyone.
Collaboration is a sub-feature. Being cloud-based, you can get shareable links and send them to anyone with access to your seats from most devices, including smartphones. That means you can access it anytime, anywhere. Perfect for quick editing on the move. Collaboration means that multiple people can work on the sheet at the same time. This is ideal for students who use sheets in group projects.
Spreadsheets can be overwhelming and complex. That said, most tasks are fairly easy to accomplish, especially for the basics. Also, the fact that many features are explained online means that you can do most things without having to worry about learning how to do it. This includes creating dashboards, formulas, and even creating applications such as automatic marking assignments.
For teachers and students, there are some really creative ways you can use spreadsheets specifically.
How can Google Sheets help teachers?
There are many convenient ways to use Google Sheets in the classroom. Many have already been created by other teachers that are shared online for editing. However, there are many options that can be built from scratch.
(Image credit: Google) Create gradebook with Google Sheets
The great thing about keeping your gradebook online in a spreadsheet is that you can access it anytime, anywhere. Google Classroom already offers some grade-based automation, but this spreadsheet approach allows for much more creative rooms.
You can use the data to create graphs and charts for your class and individual students to see at a glance what your progress is.
Because you can use functions and formulas, this tool lets you determine your grades without having to sit down and perform math. Spreadsheets automate the process.
Gradebook can be used as a template for Google Spreadsheets.
(Image credit: Google) Create rubric with Google Spreadsheet
Migrate paper rubrics to spreadsheets for many benefits. For example, you can use conditional formatting to automatically color-code your layout and embed formulas in automatic scores.
You can more easily pull data from individual students for viewing or sharing by that student or their parents. This is easily done by duplicating the master rubric tab for each student.
If you want to use this rubric in another class or to use it again in the next year, you can also easily duplicate it on the platform.
This is a rubric free template that you can copy and use now.
(Image credit: Google) Use Google Sheets as resource points
If done correctly, the entire course can be organized into a single sheet. It can include links to rich media such as assignments, reference books, videos, all in one sheet.
All you need to do is organize your sheets like a calendar with columns for dates, units, chapters, assignments, notes, slides, homework and videos. You should be able to consolidate your yearly work in one place.
Not only does this help organize the teacher, but it also serves as a reference point for students to see everything they need in one place. Of course, you can set this to “view only” so that no one can edit it and it’s safe to manage.
Create a student portfolio with Google Sheets
Google Sheets provides a great way to create a portfolio for all your students. This is a bit complicated because it integrates with Forms, but it’s worth doing. Students enter their information in a Google form and match it against a spreadsheet file so they can access and analyze it from one place.
This is a great way to give students feedback such as their goals and upload supporting materials such as files, images and videos.
(Image credit: Google) Use templates in Google Sheets
As I’ve already explained, if you skip, it’s worth repeating. Check out the template!
Many of them are already readily available in Google Spreadsheets and are perfect for teachers with options such as gradebooks, attendance sheets and schedules.
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