Every LOST actor who appeared once upon a time
Once upon a time aired for seven seasons and, over the course of its long series, had a large number of actors and actresses, some who had worked in other shows, including Lost. At first glance, the fairytale drama doesn’t seem to have anything in common with Lost a sci-fi mystery series about a group of survivors stranded on a dangerous island, the two shows shared not only actors but also storytelling techniques.
Lost was one of the most influential TV shows of the early 2000s, garnering international interest due to its thrills, twists, and mysteries. As Once upon a time, Lost had a relatively large cast, and both shows used flashbacks to flesh out their characters, raising questions about their stories while raising the stakes of what was happening in each episode’s current timeline. Using Losts groundbreaking style, Once Upon a Time has managed to balance its overall plot with satisfying character arcs, especially in its first season.
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Not only was the structure of the shows strongly inspired by Lost, but many island survivors hoped to make it to Storybrooke. Some of them played major roles, while others were minor characters or cameos during Once upon a time seven seasons. No matter how big their role is in both series, it’s always nice to see a familiar face and experience another side of an actor or actress as they play villains, heroes and characters. princesses from famous Disney movies and classic fairy tales.
Lana parrilla
Before being the Evil Queen, Lana Parrilla played the role of Greta in season 3 of Lost. Greta was a loyal Bens soldier who captured and interrogated Charlie in Looking Glass Station on Bens’ orders. After her mission was completed, she was killed so no one would know about her plans. It was only three episodes. Greta may have played a minor role in Lost, but she is definitely Once upon a times best villain (and later hero). Sleek and fierce, she was in all 155 episodes of the series.
Emilie de Ravin
On the island, Emilie de Ravin played Claire Littleton, one of the survivors of Ocean Flight 815. In season 1, she was pregnant and perhaps shared some similarities with Belle, the Princess of Ravin starring in. Once upon a time. Claire befriended Charlie Complicated, a prominent rock star struggling with drug addiction. Their relationship wasn’t as complicated as Belle and Rumpelstiltskin, but it also had its share of lies and tragedy. As characters, Claire and Belle were both gentle and capable of great things when trying to do good.
Elizabeth mitchell
Just like the Snow Queen, the character of Elizabeth Mitchells in Lost started surrounded by mysteries. Introduced in Season 4, Juliet Burke was a fertility doctor working with the others and Ben. However, as her story progressed, she sided with Jack and the rest of the Oceanic 815 survivors. Once upon a time, Mitchell played the Snow Queen, Elsa and Annas lost their aunt. After losing control of her ice powers, Ingrid was trapped in an urn by her sister before the events of Frozen. Wanting to recover the family she lost, she comes to Storybrooke to make Elsa and Emma Swan her new sisters. But, like Juliette, she ends up helping the heroes after regretting her actions.
Jorge Garcia
Hurley was definitely a major character in Lost. In a way, he was the heart of the group. Eventually, he became the protector of the islands. In Once upon a time, Jorge Garcia played the role of Anton, the giant. At first Anton was curious about the humans, but after two of them killed his brother, he vowed revenge and attacked those who climbed his bean. However, he eventually befriended the Charming family. Jorge Garcia starred in three episodes of Once upon a times season 2.
Rebecca Mader
Rebecca Mader was a late addition to both Once upon a time and Lost. While in the former she was the Evil Zelena, or the Wicked Witch of the West, in the latter she was the less green Charlotte Lewis. Funny enough, the two characters were looking for their home. In Zelenas’ case, it was a metaphorical house because it envied Reginas’s life and family. For Charlotte, her goal was to return to the island of her childhood. They also share an interesting connection with time travel. Zelena wanted to go back in time; Meanwhile, Charlotte ultimately passed away from the effects of time travel on the island.
Patrick fischler
In Lost, Patrick Fischler played the role of Phil, a stalwart security guard of the DHARMA initiative. He was in ten episodes of Season 5, ending abruptly in the season finale. His fate in Once upon a time was not so final. As the author, Isaac had to tell the stories of all the characters in Storybrooke, but instead he abused his powers and found himself imprisoned by the apprentice. In search of a happy ending, Regina and other villains decide to set him free, triggering another curse. After causing a lot of damage and disturbing everyone’s storylines, Isaac was sent back to the world without magic, and Henry became the author instead. Fischler was in eight episodes of season 4 of Once upon a time.
Alan dale
At first glance, Charles Widmore and King George may not seem like similar characters, but Alan Dales stars in both. Once upon a time and Lost share certain traits. They are both ruthless and determined in their quest for power. Widmore was obsessed with the island and willing to risk her daughter’s life for it. King George, on the other hand, had no qualms about removing children from their parents, even going so far as to kill James and Davids’ biological father.
Eric Lange
Eric Lange portrayed Stuart Radzinsky in Losts Season 5. Although Radzinsky did not appear physically until after the Survivors’ time travel until 1977, the character was already mentioned in Season 2 as one of the workers at Swan Station. Desmond later learned that having to press a button every 108 minutes leads to suicide. Langes character in Once upon a time had a similar tragic end. Like King Leopold and the dear father of the Snow Whites, he died poisoned by Reginas’ faithful mirror.
Naveen Andrews
Even though he was only in the spin-off, Once upon a time in wonderland, Naveen is still part of the OUAT family as the villainous Jafar. In Lost, he played the mysterious Sayid Jarrah. A tragic but heroic figure on Lost, Sayid sacrificed a lot to protect and help the other survivors of Oceanic 815. In this, he has nothing in common with Jafar, who was determined to change the laws of magic at all costs.
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