Mumbai police deny warning from father of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajputs
Shortly after Sushant Singh Rajput’s father, KK, claimed to have informed Bandra Police in February this year that the actor’s life was in danger, Mumbai Police said no written complaints from this type had not been addressed to the Bandra police station on that date.
“Today, KK Singh, father of the late Sushant Singh Rajput, released a statement indicating that the family had filed a written complaint with the Bandra Police on February 25. It should be noted that no such written complaint has been made to the Bandra Police Station on this date, “according to a statement from Shahaji Umap, Deputy Commissioner of Police Operations (DCP).
However, Mumbai Police said that OP Singh, the late actor’s brother-in-law, sent WhatsApp messages to the DCP Zone 9 era about it.
However, an OP Singh IPS, the late Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother-in-law, sent WhatsApp messages to the then DCP Zone 9 about it. The then DCP Zone 9 called and he called OP Singh. had requested that a written complaint be mandatory for any investigation or action. However, Singh wanted this to be resolved informally, to which the DCP Zone 9 at the time made it clear to him that this was not possible ” , we read in the press release.
According to Mumbai Police, a case under 174 CrPC was registered on June 14 regarding Rajput’s death and the case is under investigation by the Bandra Police Station.
Earlier today, actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s father, KK Singh, said in a video statement that he alerted Mumbai police on February 25 that his son’s life was in danger.
On February 25, I informed the Bandra police that he was in danger. He passed away on June 14th and I asked them to take action against the people named in my February 25th complaint. No action taken even 40 days after his death. So I filed FIR in Patna, Singh said, quoted by ANI.
In an earlier television interview, Singhs’ attorney Vikas Singh said authorities were told the actor was being controlled by outside forces.
What was most distressing for the family was what was the Mumbai police doing all this time? The family said as early as February 24, 2020, while Sushant was still alive, that he was surrounded by people they did not trust and that there could be danger to him, Vikas Singh said as quoted by Hindustan Times.
And then when he died, the family said please look into the people who controlled him. No investigation against Rhea was opened, she was given a clear note, he added.
However, Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh responded that these issues were not raised by the family when their statements were taken on June 16.
At that time, they did not raise any suspicions or complain about an error in our investigation, Singh said, quoted by ANI news agency.
Party rumors
Singh also referred to the rumors and said that there was no party at the Rajputs’ home on June 13, the day before his death on June 14.
We have the CCTV footage from June 13 and June 14, there was no party on June 13, Singh said.
Mumbai Police are thoroughly investigating the case from every possible angle, including family, friends, doctors and others, in addition to details of the financial transactions of the Sushants’ bank accounts, said Singh.
In a media question, Singh said Rajput was emotionally distraught after the death of his ex-manager Disha Salian and that he was even seeing five to six doctors.
When he first saw his name linked to Disha Salians’ death on social media, he was emotionally disturbed. He had only met her once and he even asked her lawyer who she was, Singh said.
Just “ knowledge ”
Rajput’s friend and roommate Siddharth Pithani also claimed that the actor was greatly affected that his name was associated with the suicide of the Saliens.
In an interview with Zoom TV channel, Pithani claimed that Rajput only knew Salian.
She was only a manager for a very short time. His sister was there to take care of him this time. She fed him, gave him water. Her sister came the day Rhea [Chakraborty] left. The next day this incident happened, and it affected him so much. He also passed out. Her sister and I were in the same room. We all saw how it affected him, Pithani said in the interview.
Verified bank accounts
Police Commissioner Singh commented on Rajput’s bank accounts, saying investigations showed 45 million rupees (2.1 million dirhams) in deposits, but there is nothing on transfers of money. alleged money towards the accounts of his actress girlfriend Rhea Chakrabortys.
We have recorded statements from 56 people to date, including Sushants family members, doctors, friends, her current and former Chartered Accountants, returns transactions, verified bank statements and bank records. Other investigations are ongoing, Singh said.
His response concerned the FIR filed by Rajputs’ father with the Patna police, claiming that Chakraborty and his family had transferred money from his son’s accounts.
Rhea does not miss
Actress Rhea Chakraborty is not on the run, her lawyer said after several reports claimed she had been missing in the past few days.
The Bihar police claim that Rhea Chakraborty is missing is not correct. His statement was recorded by the Mumbai police. Shes cooperated with the police as the calls were made, actress Satish Maneshinde’s lawyer said.
Until today, no notice or summons has been received by her from the Bihar police and they have no jurisdiction to investigate the case. She brought an action against the SC. She requested that the case be transferred to Mumbai. The case is Sub Judice, Maneshinde added.
There have been several reports claiming that Chakraborty left his apartment building in the middle of the night with his family a few days ago.
In defense of Rhea
Filmmaker Hansal Mehta has criticized actress Rhea Chakraborty being subjected to what he calls witch hunts in the media, since an FIR was filed against her by Rajput’s father, KK Singh.
God forbid if the girl accused and put on trial by the media harms herself, Mehta tweeted.
Continuing in the same tweet, he named a news anchor and wondered if the news anchor and all the politicians and anyone invited to these media witch hunts would be held responsible if Chakraborty harmed himself.
May his guilt / innocence be proven by a court for heaven’s sake, he concludes.
Before locking her Twitter account, Mehta wrote: Last night I met people with no remote connection to the film industry making sweeping statements and playing the judge. The result of an exploitative and unconscious media that runs its own banana court for its own interests. At whose cost?
He added: Suddenly people have become experts in mental health, black magic, legality and ethics. There are experts whose job it is to ensure healing, fairness and justice. Members of the media, friends are NOT experts or even remote skills to review the case.
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