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An earthquake in 2024, as it happened in 1977

An earthquake in 2024, as it happened in 1977


“If in 1977 voters rejected constitutionally imposed tyranny, in 2024 they were wounded by Narendra Modi’s unconstitutional tyranny” | Image source: The Hindu

In a demonstration of the power of voting, Indian voters have collectively achieved in 2024 what their parents and grandparents achieved in 1977, when Indira Gandhi was defeated at the polls after a 21-month period of national emergency.

As in 1977, it was not urban, educated or middle-class voters who brought the powerful to the ground. It was the rural, the marginalized and the unemployed who had been sold illusions for a decade and decided it was time to say: “No more.”

It is true that there are regional differences in the result: the BJP's victory in new regions (Odisha), its consolidation in old regions (Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh), and an increase in vote share in a few states (Tamil Nadu and Kerala). The big picture is what matters, and the story there is the outcome that shatters the myth of Modi's invincibility. There were regional differences at the end of the Emergency too – Indira Gandhi was defeated in the north, east and west; Congress held its own convention in the South. The big picture at that time was the defeat of Congress.

WhatsApp University will scoff at this comparison, saying (it doesn't argue, because it doesn't know how to argue) that unlike Indira Gandhi in 1977, Narendra Modi remains in office and has begun a third term as Prime Minister.

Let's step back and realize what really happened.

From rejection then to injury now

If in 1977 voters rejected constitutionally imposed tyranny, in 2024 they were wounded by Narendra Modi's unconstitutional tyranny. If in 1977, Indian voters refused to buy Indira Gandhi's twenty-point economic program, they now refuse to buy Modi's “guarantees.” If in 1977 they refused to buy into the slogan “trains run on time”, in 2024 they have refused to confuse Vande Bharat with crowded, neglected public railway trains.

There is only one reason why voters cannot throw the BJP out of office in 2024: it had to exercise its voice on a battleground where everything was stacked against it; It had to fight a war machine arguably much more powerful than that of Indira Gandhi in 1977.

During the state of emergency, there were arbitrary arrests of political opponents. The media was asleep, the courts yielded, with rare exceptions, the bureaucracy trembled in fear, and corporations curried favor with the government. The air itself smelled of fear. Naturally, the middle class loved this tyranny because of the discipline it imposed.

This perfectly describes the atmosphere of authoritarianism that has prevailed in India in recent years and the support it has enjoyed among the middle classes. One can argue until the cows come home about the subtle differences between Indira Gandhi's authoritarianism and Narendra Modi's authoritarianism, and the differences, if they exist, point to a greater and more frightening force in recent years. During an emergency, obedience is born of fear; In the recent past, all institutions of the Union government – ​​constitutional bodies, courts, media, police and bureaucracy – have adopted the policy directives they have received. They all believed that they were doing the right thing in going by the orders of the Modi government and its political machinery.

Electoral preparation

In 1977, elections were held even while the state of emergency was still officially in effect. However, before the elections, opposition leaders were released from prison, the press found its voice when restrictions were lifted, and the Election Commission of India showed a measure of independence when it conducted the Lok Sabha elections after a gap of six years. The 1977 election could not be described as entirely “fair,” but the opposition and the voter knew they could make it a combative contest.

This will not be the case in 2024. It is worth noting that before the elections, we saw opposition leaders thrown into prison, weak politicians threatened and persuaded to change sides, and the main opposition party’s bank accounts frozen, initially by accident. The media, with few exceptions, continued their sycophantic behaviour, further building up the BJP and spreading the slogan “Cry Bar 400 Bar”. If the media doubts anything, it is the opposition; The Anchors, who had sold their souls, sought to build an image of the invincible emperor who was destined to be crowned for life. The Election Commission was essentially silent as the BJP launched its most ferocious campaign ever, targeting the Muslim community.

However, this year, nearly half a century ago, the voter realized that this was no ordinary election; What was at stake was India's future. She had to decide whether she wanted to vote for an elected authoritarian regime and a society divided by hatred. She had to decide whether to be bought off by a barrage of broken promises and the mirage of future national glory. I wisely decided that enough was enough. With the force of my index finger, I decided that it was not enough to deprive the BJP of the required supermajority. It had to be reduced to a minority. We must realize and respect the magnitude of the BJP's political defeat in these Lok Sabha elections. Nor should we be fooled by claims of a “historic third term” (yes, but in a coalition, not with a BJP majority) or “Modi 3.0” (yes, but again, only with the support of coalition partners). The political party that until a few weeks ago boasted of being invincible and planned to leave a “thousand-year legacy” has been trounced at the ballot box. The BJP clings to power, but it has learned its lesson.

If all constitutional bodies were sincere in fulfilling their responsibilities and the executive authority had not been allowed to escape the pursuit of the opposition, the result would have been in truly free and fair elections as complete as they were in 1977.

The magnitude of what the voter achieved

For voters in India to gain the confidence necessary to complete their mission in the next round of elections, they must first be proud of the magnitude of their achievements. For this reason, we have to acknowledge how humble Narendra Modi and the BJP have become.

Narendra Modi and the BJP are sure not to give up despite becoming a minority in Parliament. They remain in office, have financial power, possess all the levers of power, and are allied with major corporations. They will not change their modus operandi, because we have seen over a decade that disrespect for democracy is second nature to them. But having tasted defeat, they are now weak, which is what one must draw strength from after the most important elections since 1977. If in 2024 we end up with “400 bars”, we will have little hope of defeating tyranny. That would show. Voters have empowered the opposition to hold the National Democratic Alliance government to account in parliament and in the streets. They pointed out to the constitutional bodies that they also bear the responsibility of protecting democracy in India. We could not have asked for more from voters in India.

Ramanuhar Reddy is a journalist based in Hyderabad




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