Jon Stewart says Apple and Amazon have caused an 'earthquake' in the entertainment industry
EXCLUSIVE: Jon Stewart's return to The Daily Show has breathed new life into the Comedy Central talk show and won him an Emmy for his efforts.
But just over a year ago, Stewart was on the verge of being canceled by his previous show, “The Trouble with Jon Stewart,” by Apple TV+ due to creative differences or “different agendas.”
Now, in a conversation with Conan O'Brien on the Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend podcast, Stewart lamented how tech giants like Apple and Amazon are radically changing the entertainment industry.
“There was this legacy business, and you're seeing it changing now with Silicon Valley coming in,” he said. “The spirit of old-fashioned entertainment is that we've created this incredibly eccentric business where you need an agent and a manager and a lawyer, and they'll take about 60% of what you make, but without them, there's nothing you can do. And you join the studio, and the studio will give you a deal and you'll sit in your room.” It's the most effective way. He got into Silicon Valley the same way Elon Musk got into Twitter and asked, “How many people work here? Make it two.”
“So, now, Apple and Amazon come in and ask, ‘Writer’s room?’” he added. Wait, you have 14 writers and they're with you from start to finish on the production? “Well, it's important for the writers to invest and we also show them how they are on the page because it's different between the page and the screen. They have to understand how that works and understand how we interact with props. And they say, 'They can have three weeks and it has to be on Zoom.” And you can have four of them.
Stewart added that these companies are “changing the spirit” and changing entertainment from an analog business to a digital business. “This is the division, the earthquake he's been through. I can't work like this.” He added.
O'Brien agrees that the changes mean many of his comedy writer friends are having a harder time getting work now and that things are “changing radically”.
“These companies don't believe in institutional knowledge that allows people to grow and improve and create more,” Stewart added. “What they believe in now is the authorship system, which has always existed within film and television… and this idea of highly efficient content factories, where what matters It is real estate, not the individual creator.”
This isn't the first time Stewart has spoken out about Apple since his departure. In May, he revealed that the iPhone maker wouldn't let him hire FTC Chairwoman Lena Khan on his show's podcast.
In June, he said his goals were not “aligned” with those of Apple, which is believed to have had problems with Jon Stewart's coverage of issues such as artificial intelligence and China. He added: “There is a slogan we should all remember: Corporations are lazy.”
Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend is produced by O'Brien's Coco team, which is backed by SiriusXM as part of a $150 million deal set to close in 2022. It debuted in 2018 and has produced more than 200 episodes.
Sources 2/ https://deadline.com/2024/09/jon-stewart-slams-apple-amazon-1236098543/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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