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DVIDS – News – NAVFAC Southwest Awards 737.84 Million USD for the reconstruction of the China Lake Airport earthquake


SAN DIEGO – Naval Installations Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southwest awarded a mission order worth $ 737.84 million, Sept.10, to Environmental Chemicals Corporation of Burlingame, California to design and build the Southern Airport Complex at Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake, California.

The job order is part of a multiple build contract. The Environmental Chemicals Company is one of the multiple companies listed in the contract.

NAWS China Lake was hit by two major earthquakes in July 2019. The earthquakes severely damaged several facilities on the east side of the airport. It is planned to replace the facilities in an undeveloped area on the south side of the airport due to space constraints on the eastern side, and in order to maintain continuity of existing operations during construction. Six projects, comprising the New South Airport complex, have been merged into a single mission for efficiency during construction.

This mission order, granted fourteen months after the earthquakes, is the cornerstone of the multi-year all-out effort to return NAWS China Lake to full mission capability.

“This Mission Order Award is a landmark action by the entire leadership of NAVFAC Systems in support of the NAWS China Lake earthquake recovery efforts, and is an important part of restoring the stabilization to its full operational capacity,” said Capt. Mike Oystricher, NAVFAC Southwest. commanding officer. “It represents a large portion of the funding earmarked for the overall recovery effort, and will restore the lost airport mission capacity to NAWS China Lake.”

The environmental chemicals company will provide the design and construction of six military construction projects. The projects are to replace Hangar 3, Square, taxi lane and facilities for research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT & E); Integration Lab Air Operations Facility and Air Traffic Control Tower; Aircraft parking yard to support 2 hangar replacement; Advanced war barn; And structural rescue and rescue station / aircraft. The general construction effort for all projects requires that the facilities be constructed with reinforced concrete foundation and floors, steel vertical frames, concrete building unit and sheet metal walls according to the modern seismic code.

“Developing and awarding a project of this magnitude in such a short time is almost unprecedented, and it is the culmination of the tireless efforts of an amazing team of professionals across NAVFAC and numerous stakeholders and support organizations,” said Cmdr. Dan Stokes, Assistant Operations Officer at NAVFAC Southwest. “We look forward to beginning efforts to build the southern airport and return NAWS China Lake to full operational readiness.”

Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of California, about 150 miles north of Los Angeles. China Lake’s mission is to support the Navy’s search, test, and assessment missions to provide advanced weapon systems to the fighter. The installation is the largest single property of the Navy. In total, its range and prime location covers more than 1.1 million acres, an area larger than Rhode Island.

NAVFAC Southwest, located in San Diego, California, is a contracting business. NAVFAC Southwest employees support our clients with services in planning, design, construction, real estate, and public and environmental works support for US Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, and other federal agencies in California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Colorado.

The project is scheduled to be completed by November 2023.

Capture Date: 09.11.2020 Publish Date: 09.11.2020 13:17 Story ID: 377882 Location: SAN DIEGO, CA, US Web Views: 12 Downloads: 0 Podcast Hits: 0 Public Domain

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