Earthquake information: Light Mag. 3.4 earthquake – iar nad Hronom region, Banska Bystrica, 17 km south of Predzka, Slovakia, Thursday, January 28, 2021 9:16 a.m. (GMT +1)
A magnitude of 3.4 earthquake at a depth of 10 km
Jan 28 08:19 UTC: First to report: GFZ two minutes later. 28 Jan 08:24: Volume recalculated from 3.5 to 4.0. Epicenter location corrected 1.3 km (0.8 mi) towards SE 28 Jan 08:36: magnitude recalculated from 4.0 to 3.4. The epicenter position was corrected 7.6 km (4.7 mi) southwest.
Updated January 28, 2021, 08:24
A small earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 on the Richter scale was just reported 13 km southeast of Prevedza, Slovakia
3.5 Earthquake Jan 28 9:16 am (GMT +1)
A 3.5-magnitude earthquake was reported near Prévedza, Ukrce Prividze, Trenín, Slovakia, just 7 minutes ago by the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), one of the main international agencies monitoring seismic activity around the world. The earthquake occurred 10 kilometers below the epicenter on the morning of Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 9:16 am local time. The exact size, epicenter and depth of the earthquake may be reviewed within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review the data and refine their calculations, or when other agencies release their reports. Based on the preliminary seismic data, the earthquake should not have occurred. It caused no major damage, but probably many people felt it as a slight shaking in the epicenter area. A weak tremor might be felt in Handlova (population 18,000) located 6 km from the epicenter, Prevedza (53,000 inhabitants) 13 km away, and Sheyar nad Hronom (19,400 inhabitants) 14 km away. Other towns or cities near From the epicenter where the earthquake can be felt because the very weak tremor includes Sharanovica (population 6,600) located 22 km from the epicenter, Partizansky (24400) at 25 km, Banska Stiavnica (upstream 10200) 29 km, Banovce nad Pipravo 18.900) 34 km, Elava (5400) 50 km, and Povaa Bystrica (43900) 54 km. In Puchov (population 18,800, 57 km away), and Nitra (86,300 population, 63 km away), the earthquake may not have been felt.
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Date and time: January 28, 2021 08:16:43 UTC – Local time at the epicenter: Thursday, January 28, 2021 9:16 AM (GMT +1) Size: 3.4 Depth: 10.0 km latitude / longitude epicenter: 48.62 ° N / 18.66 ° E (Žiar nad Hronom region, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia) Nearby towns and cities: 9 km (6 mi) southeast of Lehota pod Vtačnikom (population: 3,930) -> Watch nearby earthquakes!) WNW of iar nad Hronom (Banska Bystrica region) (Population: 19,400) -> Watch nearby earthquakes 16 km (10 mi) northwest of arnovica (population: 6,600) -> See nearby earthquakes 17 km (11 mi) ) South Prividza (Trinsiansky) kraj) (Population: 53,000) -> See nearby earthquakes 20 km (13 miles) east of Partizansky (Trinsiansky Kraj) (Population: 24,400) -> See nearby earthquakes 27 km (16 mi) Northwest of Banska tiavnica (Banska Bystrica region) (pop: 10,200) -> Watch nearby earthquakes 37 km (23 mi) west of Zvolen (Banska Bystrica region) (population: 44,500) -> See nearby earthquakes 42 km (26Mi) northwest krupina (panskopestrik garage) (pop: 7990) -> 55 km (34 mi) northeast of Nitra (north itriansky kraj) (population: 86300) -> see nearby earthquakes 68 km (42 mi) northwest of Ve Vký Krtiš (Banskobystrický kraj) (Population: 12,600) -> See nearby earthquakes 75 km (46 mi) west of Prizno (km: 21,300)) -> See nearby earthquakes 81 km (50 miles) northwest of Luzhinck (Banskobystrický kraj) ( Population: 28200) -> Watch nearby earthquakes 86 km (54 mi) northwest of Poltar (km: 6100) -> Watch nearby earthquakes 104 km (65 mi) west of Rimavska Sobota (Panskopystrik Kraj) (25200) -> See nearby earthquakes 107 km (67 mi) west of Rivoca (Banskopystriki Garage) (Population: 13,500) -> See nearby earthquakes 126 km (78 mi)) ENE from Bratislava (pop: 423,700) -> See nearby earthquakes Weather at the epicenter at a time Earthquake: clouds scattered -4.8 ° C (23 ° F), humidity: 100%, wind: 1 m / s (2 knots) from WSW Primary data source: GFZ (German Research Center for Geosciences) Estimated outgoing energy: 7.9 x 109 joules (2.21 mWh, Equivalent to 1.9 tons of TNT) More information
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If you feel this earthquake (or if you are near the epicenter), please share your experience and provide a short “felt it” report! Other users would love to hear about it and also if you don’t feel an earthquake despite your presence in the area please report it! Your contribution is also valuable to seismology, earthquake risk analysis, and mitigation efforts. You can use your device’s location or the map to indicate where you are during an earthquake. Thank you! Data on the same earthquake reported by various agencies
Information: The more agencies report the same earthquake and publish similar data, the more confident you will be in the data. It usually takes up to a few hours for earthquake parameters to be calculated with near-perfect accuracy.
MagnitudeDepthLocationSourceM 3.410 km CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA GFZM 3.410 km SLOVAKIAEMSCM 3.910 km SLOVAKIAEMSCM 3.810 km Handlovakia / SLOVAKIA ZAMGM 3.510 km Handlova, Slovakia MUNIM 3.89 km SLOVAKIA NEEP User reports on this earthquake (9)
Contribution: Leave a comment if you find a specific report interesting or want to add to it. Teaching as something not decent. Mark useful or interesting. Submit your user report!
23.8 km north from the epicenter [Map] / No hair
13.9 km ESE from the epicenter [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 2-5 seconds: the wheelchair is moved slightly forward and backward, the blinds lean against the windows
60 brick / weak vibration (MMI III)
Lovčica-Trubín / Light vibration (MMI IV) / Vertical and horizontal swing / 2-5 seconds
Podhradie (Prievidza) / Light Vibration (MMI IV) / Single Side Vibration / 1-2 seconds: Hold for approximately 2 seconds, home shake in Podhradie just on Prievidza side
Prievidza / no hair
Ziar nad Hronom / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 2-5 sec
Prague / no hair
Sebedraie / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal (side) swing
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Previous earthquakes in the same area since 1900
Tip: Click on the date / time to show the most recent first
UTC date / time
| Mag |
| details
January 12, 1956 05:46
| 5.8 |
15 km / 9.3 miles
65 years ago
139 km / 86 miles
| Hungary
July 11, 2000 02:49
| 5.3 |
10km / 6.2mi
21 years ago
179 km / 111 miles
| Austria
August 15, 1985 04:28
| 5.2 |
10km / 6.2mi
35 years ago
181 km / 112 miles
| Hungary
01 Jul 2001 01:48
| 5.1 |
10km / 6.2mi
20 years ago
211 km / 131 miles
| Austria
April 27, 1983 11:24
| 5.1 |
10km / 6.2mi
38 years ago
158 km / 98 miles
| Poland
July 11, 2000 10:56
| 5.0 |
10km / 6.2mi
21 years ago
185 km / 115 miles
| Austria
November 30, 2004 17:18
| 4.8 |
5 km / 3.1 miles
16 years ago
127km / 79mi
| Border region between Poland and Slovakia
June 13, 2002 1:14
| 4.6 |
10km / 6.2mi
19 years ago
142 km / 88 miles
| Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
May 31, 2014 11:05
| 4.3 |
10km / 6.2mi
7 years ago
127km / 79mi
| Czech Republic
January 29, 2011 17:41
| 4.3 |
10km / 6.2mi
Since 10 years
124km / 77mi
| Hungary
View all
Tip: Click Mag for a larger view first
UTC date / time
| Mag |
| details
December 17, 2020 09:26
| 2.0 |
10km / 6.2mi
6 weeks ago
72km / 45mi
| Slovakia
08 December 2020 09:11
| 1.4 |
10km / 6.2mi
7 weeks ago
10 km / 6 miles
| Slovakia
27 November 2020 07:17
| 1.4 |
10km / 6.2mi
9 weeks ago
42 km / 26 miles
| Slovakia
23 November 2020 07:56
| 1.9 |
10km / 6.2mi
9 weeks ago
25 km / 16 miles
| Slovakia
November 16, 2020 09:26
| 1.3 |
10km / 6.2mi
10 weeks ago
37km / 23mi
| Slovakia
November 12, 2020 10:03
| 1.6 |
10km / 6.2mi
11 weeks ago
47km / 29mi
| Slovakia
05 November 2020 10:37
| 2.0 |
10km / 6.2mi
12 weeks ago
39km / 25mi
| Slovakia
August 17, 2018 01:25
| 3.2 |
10km / 6.2mi
two years ago
50km / 31mi
| The Czech and Slovak Republics
May 31, 2014 11:05
| 4.3 |
10km / 6.2mi
7 years ago
127km / 79mi
| Czech Republic
January 19, 2014 01:34
| 4.2 |
5 km / 3.1 miles
7 years ago
86 km / 54 miles
| Hungary
View all
Map of previous earthquakes
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