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An earthquake early warning app is now available to the Oregon public


Earthquake early warning is coming to the Pacific Northwest.

Known as ShakeAlert, the system will be available to wireless devices to the public in Oregon from March 11. Depending on the point of origin of a major earthquake, ShakeAlert can give residents critical seconds of several tens of seconds of warning to prepare for shaking.

University of Oregon researchers play a pivotal role in the science, development and diffusion of technology that detects earthquakes using about 400 seismic sensors scattered across the Pacific Northwest and more than a thousand ups and downs on the West Coast. The system will eventually extend over the entire West Coast. Launched in California in 2019, Washington will launch ShakeAlert in May.

Congressmen from the West Coast led the effort to start ShakeAlert financing. Over the past several years, Congress has provided more than $ 25 million annually for operations and infrastructure to the United States Geological Survey, which leads ShakeAlert.

Oregon recently awarded $ 7.5 million to the Oregon Risk Laboratory Operating Unit to complete construction of the ShakeAlert system in Oregon by 2023. With funding, the lab will purchase and install sensors at 83 additional sites and improve data communications throughout Oregon. The state previously contributed nearly $ 1 million to boost the Oregon seismic network.

ShakeAlert has a number of university partners, including UO and the University of Washington, who collaboratively run the seismic network in the Pacific Northwest.

Geophysicist Doug Tommy heads UO’s ShakeAlert team. Below, it answers questions about new launch and alerts.

Q: What happens on March 11th when ShakeAlert is released to the public?

A: March 11th is the tenth anniversary of the devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan and also the first day that Oregonians will be able to receive early warnings of radio earthquakes, or ShakeAlerts. This is a huge achievement for the West Coast of the United States, for the state of Oregon, and for the many individuals and groups that contribute to Oregon’s resilience.

Q: How will the public be notified in the event of an earthquake?

A: The public will receive alerts by all available means, with the primary mechanism in the near future being alerts sent by wireless devices, such as phones. ShakeAlerts will be sent to phones via the wireless emergency alarm system along with apps that you can download. The wireless system is present on all smartphones, and the public may know this as the Amber Alert system.

Provided that users do not turn off this alert mechanism, they can receive ShakeAlerts via wireless alerts.

Q: Are there apps available for ShakeAlerts?

A: The public should also consider downloading and installing apps, and when doing so, they should look for apps that say “Powered by ShakeAlert”. Android users will also benefit from ShakeAlerts built into this OS. It’s perfectly fine to have multiple connections on a wireless device. In fact, it might be preferable as alarm times can vary depending on the mechanism.

Q: What other ways can ShakeAlerts issue warnings?

A: In addition to wireless devices, ShakeAlerts can be connected by other means, for example sirens, road signs, traffic lights at bridges, emergency broadcasts, and other methods. For Oregonians to benefit from these various stimulation mechanisms, it is important that the system be adopted and adopted by the public and private sectors, as this will accelerate the development of new and effective stimulation technologies.

Q: A few seconds doesn’t sound like much. How can this be useful?

A: ShakeAlert can protect the public by giving them precious seconds or tens of seconds of warning before strong shaking from an earthquake arrives. Studies show that when people are surprised by an earthquake or natural danger, their “lizard brain” takes over and they often take unsafe actions. For example, panicking or running can lead to injuries from falling or hitting debris. By giving advance warning of impending shaking via ShakeAlert, the public can rally and take preventive action.

Q: What should a person do when receiving a check alert?

A: When someone receives a ShakeAlert alert, they should go to a safe place and duck, cover and hold something until the shaking is complete.

At present, ShakeAlerts will warn that an earthquake has occurred and that a shakeout is expected. The audience should be aware that the shaking can start right away, in the next few seconds or perhaps within tens of seconds. Given the range of alarm times, the recommended course of action is to find a safe place to duck, cover and wait.

Q: What can ShakeAlert do to save lives and mitigate damage to critical infrastructure?

A: For several years now, ShakeAlert has been providing alerts so that stakeholders can assess how critical infrastructure is being protected, including water, power, and transportation infrastructure.

For example, in San Francisco, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system is slowing trains in response to ShakeAlerts that have been delivered in California. In the Pacific Northwest, water utilities are installing devices that can shut off water valves in response to ShakeAlert, thus preserving precious drinking water during and after the event.

Likewise, power utilities like the Eugene Water and Electric Board are looking to shut down power generating facilities, such as those in the Carmen Smith Reservoir, so that large, expensive turbines do not spin when strong vibration arrives. Likewise, power distribution facilities, such as the Central Lincoln Public Utilities District, are exploring how ShakeAlerts can protect their infrastructure and personnel.

As the ShakeAlert system has become part of the earthquake culture in the Pacific Northwest, I believe we will see many new life-saving practices and infrastructure evolve over the next several years.

what are they saying

“A catastrophic earthquake in the Pacific Northwest is not hypothetical. It’s not a question of whether an earthquake will happen. It’s a matter of when. In the event of an earthquake, every second counts. Thanks to the amazing work of the University of Oregon and the universities of the West Coast.” The other, we now have an early warning system that gives people extra seconds to save lives, avoid or reduce injuries, and mitigate infrastructure damage during a major earthquake. “

—Peter Devazio, US representative from Oregon

“If there’s anything we’ve learned from this epidemic and disastrous wildfires in the last year, it’s the importance of trusting the science and preparing for emergencies before they happen. Be it the bushfires or The Big One, I will continue to fight for the resources Oregonians need to stay safe.” .

– Jeff Merkley, US Senator from Oregon

“When a devastating earthquake strikes, our nation needs a response that provides all Oregonians with precious minutes and seconds to protect themselves. I am proud to work with my colleagues to secure ShakeAlert funding.”

Ron Wyden, US Senator from Oregon

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