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Hillside Kitchen & Cellar in Wellington is closed due to earthquake


The building Hillside works in has a new building rating of just under 15 percent. Photo / Anna Briggs

Hillside Kitchen & Cellar is temporarily closing its doors to boost the earthquake, but is opening a pop-up restaurant in the meantime.

The Tinakori Road Foundation is located directly across the road from the Prime Minister’s Residence in Thorndon.

Jacinda Ardern has been known to meet with journalists in Hillside for interviews.

Its pastel-colored exterior with black and white canopy is cute and exotic, but, like many buildings in the capital, it is prone to earthquakes.

A building is considered vulnerable to earthquakes if it is less than 34 percent of the New Building Standard (NBS).

The building that Hillside works in has an NBS rating of less than 15 percent. The deadline for completing seismic surveys ends in 2027.

It is one of 468 buildings in Wellington that needs strengthening this decade. Expiration dates peak in 2027 when there are 215 deadlines.

Wellington City Council’s chief resilience officer, Mike Mendonca, said the sudden spike in expiration dates in 2027 reflects the large number of earthquake-prone building notifications issued 15 years ago, along with shortening deadlines recently.

The new legislation that went into effect in July 2017 means that some buildings in high and medium risk areas must be repaired in half the time due to their construction, type, use, or location.

No 241 Tinakori Rd is in a high seismic risk area.

Related articles The hills are shutting down due to earthquake reinforcement work. Photo / Anna Briggs

Owner and chef Asher Botti said the reinforcement work is set to continue last year, but that the Covid-19 outbreak has delayed it.

“This is something we’ve known for a long time. It’s just part of being in an old building in Wellington.”

It is usually difficult to know exactly how long earthquake strengthening projects will take because things can change once engineers have already examined the bones of the building.

Bout said it would be locked down for at least three months but was prepared for six.

“It’s a huge unknown and this is clearly a very risky business but we have always been a very flexible company.”

Hillside is a vegan restaurant located on Tinakori Road in Thorndon. Photo / Anna Briggs

While the Tinakori Road building closes, Hillside opens as a pop-up restaurant on 99 Victoria St in central Wellington.

“As big as that interruption will be, which is kinda annoying because we’re a busy little restaurant that works well, but given how it was last year and what we’ve done in the past, we’re kind of” re kinda keen to shake things up – sorry for the earthquake pun ” Bout said.

He’s familiar with operations like this after running The Ramen Shop as a pop-up restaurant for his first year in business.

The Hillside Show will still include a multi-course tasting menu with wine matches.

It will not serve brunch at its pop-up venue, but will be open for lunch five days a week including a limited a la carte menu.

Boote had hoped it would provide the opportunity for some new people to find the restaurant before returning to Tinakori Road just in time for spring.


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