Disaster preparations in Shizuoka reduce the expected death toll in a mega-earthquake
Shizuoka – The Shizuoka Prefecture government has made a downward adjustment of 70% in the expected number of deaths from the feared mega-earthquake as a result of advances in anti-disaster measures.
Large earthquakes occurred in the Nankai Trough, an ocean floor trench that stretches under the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan from Shizuoka to Kyushu, once every 100 to 150 years. A new earthquake is expected sooner or later.
The Cabinet Office estimates that Shizuoka will experience an earthquake measuring 7 on the Japanese earthquake intensity scale, the highest level, accompanied by a tsunami of up to 33 meters high.
In fiscal year 2013, the provincial government expected 96,000 people to die from the tsunami, 9,300 from building collapses and fires, and 200 from landslides, bringing the total death toll to around 105,000.
The Shizuoka government has since been promoting disaster-control measures such as building tidal walls and escape towers and making homes earthquake-proof.
At the end of fiscal 2019, the government lowered its death toll forecast to 33,000 of the 2013 total. Efforts will intensify such as raising citizens’ awareness of the need to evacuate in an effort to achieve an additional 10 percentage point reduction by FY2022.
Building coastal elevation barriers not only takes time and money but also destroys the landscape. The provincial government allows each region to decide its own anti-tsunami policy and has strengthened work in line with it.
In Hamamatsu, the tidal dam has been completed with a maximum of 15 meters thanks to donations from Ichijo Co. , Home building company, and other local companies. Fukuruyi, among other cities in the province, is now protected by a 6-meter-high bridge.
She added that the provincial government has so far completed the construction of coastal dams with a total length of 32 km, which could reduce the number of deaths by 16,800.
Escape tower in Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture | Kyodo
On the other hand, tourist sites and fishing ports on the Izu Peninsula decided not to build anti-tsunami barriers in order to preserve the landscape. Therefore, the county government built escape towers, made the buildings usable as evacuation centers, and added steps to about 1,000 higher sites so that 76,800 people could escape the tsunami waves.
But with only 70% of residents saying in a survey that they will flee to seek shelter within 10 minutes of the earthquake, the prefectural government estimates that escape towers and other facilities could reduce the death toll by 52,200, given the potential presence of people. He failed to escape.
An official in the county government’s Crisis Management Policy Department said the escape facilities are “only effective when people climb up.” “We need to educate people about the importance of early escape.”
So the county government launched a program to help residents prepare their evacuation plans in line with the time they need to reach the nearest shelter in addition to their age and physical strength.
With the government also promoting a subsidy program to make homes earthquake-proof, the share of these homes increased from 82% to 89% in the five years of 2013, reducing the projected number of deaths resulting from home collapses by 3,100.
But because many of the remaining homes have older residents, including those who refuse to renovate their homes to make them resistant to earthquake shocks, the use of the subsidies stops, according to the prefectural government.
The spread of COVID-19 infection has made home earthquake resistance even more important, as elderly people will have to live collectively in shelters if a major earthquake strikes and destroys their homes.
In addition to increasing the amount of support under the program from fiscal year 2020, the county government is encouraging more people to make their homes earthquake-proof by emphasizing the risks of infection and collapse.
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