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Different reconstruction rules for the Zagreb earthquake for new landlords

Different reconstruction rules for the Zagreb earthquake for new landlords


April 19, 2021 – There are different rules for those who are classified as new owners of real estate in the capital when it comes to the reconstruction of the Zagreb earthquake, and if you fall into this category and decide to sell your apartment, you could take a beating. Too big costs.

As Poslovni Dnevnik / Suzana Varosanec writes, there are three conditions for co-financing of post-earthquake reconstruction in Zagreb – ownership, accommodation and whether or not the property is where you actually live, which will be proven by the neighbors and who the bills are directed to if necessary. According to the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Urban Planning, Building and State, Zeljko Uehler, those who meet these conditions will share the costs of rebuilding their property for the Zagreb earthquake of 20 percent. For others, the amount is much higher, 50 percent.

The same applies to owners of different types of real estate: for the first division mentioned above, they share 20 percent, and for others, the participation rate is 50 percent, but if one of them sells their apartment, the new owner must share 50 percent. From the costs of the renovation, and in the event that someone sells their renovated apartment, they will need to return the invested money or costs, and those associated with them will be transferred to the new owner.

What, in turn, is the difference between the reconstruction that Zagreb has struck on your own and the renewal through the appropriate fund? Can the joint owners who do not want this kind of reconstruction be forced to accept it, and how will all this be affected by the shortage of workers and engineers and the rise in the prices of building materials? These are all pressing questions that clearly demand clear answers.

Then there is the question of how will the non-detached buildings be treated? There are also questions surrounding older owners who are not used to using the Internet and the whole procedure may become too complicated for them to understand. In the framework of the long-running dialogue among experts on the topic of post-earthquake reconstruction of buildings, in addition to the above questions, there are a number of representatives of the profession. I am still looking for answers.

However, as confirmed by the recent presentation on the fundamentals of the reconstruction of Zagreb to the members of the Chamber Real Estate Association, what is unquestionable is that the renovation process will affect the real estate market in the capital in the long term.

It will greatly affect the markets, but mostly the lives of the people and hence it must be dealt with in an orderly manner at all levels. That was the central message of Dubravko Ranilovi.

According to Ohler, only in the Zagreb region will building rehabilitation cost the same as highway construction. The primary objective, he claims, is to ensure mechanical resistance and stability with the aim of protecting human health and life, while the secondary point is the urban renewal of Zagreb and its surroundings, and the regeneration of the region as a whole. Referring to the rule that the European Union does not provide funds for private property – in fact, owners must take care of it themselves, according to him, it is pernicious to make accusations and blame the owners of old buildings when it comes to maintenance as most of them were not designed or built to withstand the loads Seismicity, so its restoration is a very complex task in which the profession must play a major role.

On the one hand, co-owners can organize and finance the renewal of the Zagreb earthquake that identifies their property themselves, and then claim a refund of the money that was justifiably spent, which means that in this case the process might go much faster and more smoothly, but Ohler cautioned that they should Pay attention to all documents and that everything is going according to the rules and can be consulted.

“Of course, the problem is coordinating the position of the participating owners, but it is possible to act legally if there is indeed a threat to life while playing. A brand new law in building management is coming soon,” he said. Uhlir, adding that the law has been put in place according to the best experiences so far, but unfortunately we still do not have a single contract with a designer, let alone a contractor, that is, there are a very limited number of people who understand this type of construction and who have real experience in it. ”

The good news that the Foreign Minister also raised is that the deadlines for submitting applications have been moved to the period from 2021 to 2025 so that everyone can submit them, but in conclusion it is worth emphasizing his appeal to all, no. To try to repair any earthquake damage yourself, but be sure to contact certified professionals for your and building safety.

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