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A man behind a Bricklin sports car says electric cars are an “earthquake” for the auto industry

A man behind a Bricklin sports car says electric cars are an “earthquake” for the auto industry


The man who created the iconic Bricklin SV-1 in New Brunswick says the auto industry faces massive changes over the next few decades as more electric cars enter the market.

Malcolm Bricklin made the remarks at Riverview Township’s Business Sustainability Conference.

“The industry is going to go through this massive earthquake, this is what it will be, because they are all doing it,” he told the virtual audience on Thursday.

“They all come with the same vehicles … and they will send them to their dealers who are not used to selling them.”

Bricklin, now 82, is the CEO of Visionary Vehicles, a New York-based company that is trying to make an affordable, nine-passenger compact car called the 3EV.

Malcolm Brecklin, now 82, is the CEO of Visionary Vehicles, a New York-based company trying to make an affordable, two-passenger car called the 3EV. 1:53

He believes electric cars are the future of the industry, but he admits that there are many hurdles to overcome before they can pass gas and diesel vehicles.

“There will be all kinds of problems,” Bricklin said. “Problem number one, we should have more shipping places everywhere.”

The Visionary Vehicle’s 3EV Three Wheel Electric is designed to offer a good range and luxury sports car appeal for under $ 30,000. (Visibility vehicles)

Bricklin said new buyers of electric cars were “anxious about the long term”.

“If you have a garage, you are almost fine, because you can charge overnight, but if you live in an apartment and don’t have a garage, then you’re in trouble.”

This leaves you on a commercial charging station, Bricklin said, and there isn’t enough right now for drivers to avoid the lines.

The second problem is providing electricity to an increasing number of electric cars on the road.

Bricklin said that if car companies want to produce electric cars in similar numbers to gas-powered cars, which he estimates at around 100 million a year, there isn’t enough electricity for them, especially clean electricity at the moment.

“But people will learn how to put solar cells and wind turbines in their homes or apartments and get 100 percent juice for their batteries off the grid.”

Third, Bricklin said, getting enough batteries would be an issue.

He said, “You have to imagine how many battery factories you will build based on what the sales could be, which is what you have no idea.” You won’t get the batteries. “

Despite the hurdles, Bricklin said driving an electric car is a dream.

“It goes smoothly, kicks off hard … I tell you it’s an incredible experience if you’ve been driving an electric car, if it’s done halfway right.

The 1975 Bricklin in neon green is one of the few vehicles of its kind still on the road. (Photo introduction)

The proposed Breaklin is a two-seat and three-wheel sports car with scissor doors believed to be produced for sale for less than US $ 30,000.

The three-wheel design reduces the vehicle’s weight significantly, which he said allows for greater range and better performance.

And although he once worked with the New Brunswick government to produce his Bricklin SV-1 in the 1970s, he said there was no reason for politicians to offer incentives to auto companies to switch to electric.

Bricklin said all the companies are already in. Instead, put the money where you want it.

“If it was me and I had a choice about how to spend the money wisely, my role in the government would be to standardize the imposition of fees,” he said.

So you don’t have ‘I’m going to put in 15,000 charging stations and you can’t use them because your nozzle doesn’t fit my nozzle. ”

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