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Singapore hosts schools of international relations

Singapore hosts schools of international relations


APSIA group

Members of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)

Earlier this month, Interim Provost Erik Lillquist, JD, and School of Diplomacy and International Affairs Dean Courtney Smith, Ph.D., attended an annual meeting along with deans from schools around the world organized by from the Association of Professional Schools International Affairs (APSIA). APSIA's mission is to help its member and partner schools, including Seton Halls School of Diplomacy, to improve professional education in international affairs and advance understanding of the subject, creating peace and security.

This year's meeting was held in Singapore, hosted by the National University of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. It featured 36 leaders from 30 APSIA member institutions, such as George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and Australian National University's Crawford School of Public Policy.

Together, member institutions shared their successes and challenges from the past year and participated in small group discussions that worked toward solving common issues in international affairs education and offered insights and strategies for navigating the challenging landscape. contemporary academic.

Frank Ashley, acting dean of Texas A&M University's School of Government and Public Service, set the tone by hosting a session on academic freedom. Participants engaged in a comparative analysis of campus climates around the world, highlighting the key role universities play as arenas for challenging conversations. They also emphasized the importance of upholding fundamental principles that highlight the truth by cultivating school cultures that foster respect.

Another discussion featured Dean Judith Kelley of Duke Sanford University's School of Public Policy, which included discussions toward leveraging local programs and expertise to improve international affairs education. Attendees delved into the complex connections between regional and global concerns, ranging from trade and migration to technology policies and intercultural communication.

Marie Laure Salles, Director of the Graduate Institute of Geneva, emphasized the importance of linking the curriculum to professional development. Participants explored methods to seamlessly integrate professional development into the core curriculum and discussed strategies to engage employers and practitioners in the academic environment.

A public event co-organized by APSIA and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, which focused on Multilateralism and the Rules-Based Order: What Remains? was a featured annual meeting panel. Panelists included Arancha Gonzlez, Dean of Sciences at the Paris School of International Affairs, Danny Quah, Dean of the Lees Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and Interim Dean of Tufts University's Fletcher School, Kelly Sims Gallagher. They explored practical approaches to support multilateralism, particularly in areas such as trade and climate policy.

When asked about his experience at this year's meeting, Dean Smith said, The APSIA Deans' Meeting is an excellent opportunity to compare best practices with other international affairs programs to ensure that we are offering students our best possible experience that prepares them to be successful and rewarding. career.

This year's meeting of APSIA member institutions was a successful meeting for Seton Hall University's School of Diplomacy and International Relations. Featuring thought-provoking discussions focusing on new ideas and issues facing international affairs institutions, such as exchange programs, the impact of geopolitics, the implications of artificial intelligence, and more, the sessions gave Dean Smith and Interim Provost Lillquist insights and ideas to continue to grow and strengthen international affairs education at Seton Hall.

Categories: Nation and World




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