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Jokowi respects MP's decision rejecting Anies and Ganjar's trial: it's time to unite

Jokowi respects MP's decision rejecting Anies and Ganjar's trial: it's time to unite



President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) responded to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which rejected the petition in dispute for the 2024 presidential election of Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md Jokowi admitted to having respected the decision of the Constitutional Court.

“The government respects the decision of the Constitutional Court which is final and binding,” Jokowi said after inaugurating 147 buildings that were rehabilitated and reconstructed after the earthquake in Mamuju, West Sulawesi (Sulbar), Tuesday (23/4 /2024).

Jokowi said the Constitutional Court's decision also proved that various accusations against the government were false. It was confirmed that the accusation that there had been mobilization of social assistance (bansos) and intervention by the authorities was unfounded.



“And the legal considerations of the judgment of the Constitutional Court which also affirms that the accusations against the government such as fraud, the intervention of civil servants, then the politicization of social assistance, then the mobilization of civil servants, the non -neutrality of regional heads have been declared unproven, this is what is important for this government,” he declared.

Furthermore, Jokowi called on the public to unite after the end of the trial at the Constitutional Court. He stressed that the current government supports the transition process to a new government later.

“And I think it's time for us to come together because the external factors, geopolitics, are really putting pressure on all countries. It's time to come together, to work for the development of our country. And the government supports the transition process from the current government to the new government, we will already prepare the funds, “Now that the Constitutional Court has done it, all that remains is for the KPU to decide, tomorrow, I think”, a Jokowi said.

It is known that the Constitutional Court for the first time read its decision regarding the lawsuit filed by the number 1 candidate couple during a trial held at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Monday (22/4) . The Constitutional Court rejected Anies-Cak Imin's entire petition after reading his considerations on the arguments of the petition.

One of the things the MP is considering is Anies-Cak Imin's argument demanding the disqualification of presidential and vice-presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. According to the MP, the argument presented by Anies-Cak Imin has no legal basis.

The Constitutional Court also said that the KPU, as the respondent, took measures in accordance with the rules to follow up on the Constitutional Court's decision changing the registration conditions for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The Constitutional Court considers that the argument that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) assumes that there is nepotism and promiscuity regarding the emergence of the Constitutional Court's decision to change the age requirements for candidates for president and vice-president is unreasonable under the law.

“The plaintiff’s motion has no legal basis,” Chief Justice Suhartoyo said during the trial. Détik NewsMonday (22/4).

Apart from this, the Constitutional Court also declared that no party had any objection after the nomination of Prabowo-Gibran as presidential and vice-presidential candidates. According to the MP, there is no evidence of Jokowi's cawe-cawe form that Anies-Cak Imin conveyed in his petition with Prabowo-Gibran's vote.

The Constitutional Court also refused to reject the candidacy of candidate pair number 3 after reading its considerations on the arguments of the candidacy. The Constitutional Court said many of the considerations contained in the Ganjar-Mahfud ruling would be the same because they were still linked to a single event, namely the 2024 presidential election.

The MP said that detailed considerations can be read in the full decision file which will be submitted after the trial. The Constitutional Court declared that the applicant's request lacked legal basis.

Several arguments that have been declared legally unfounded include the politicization of social assistance, child abuse or intervention by President Joko Widodo and procedural violations by the KPU when accepting Prabowo's registration Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka as presidential and vice-presidential candidate.

Watch the video “Crowds protesting presidential election dispute begin arriving near horse statue
[Gambas:Video 20detik]




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