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Kitchens compete at the International Food Festival

Kitchens compete at the International Food Festival


For Harrisonburg, Virginia, couple Muhammad Khatiri AND I'm Aliwho bake cheesecakes and sell them online through @CakeMe_am Instagram account, finish in first place in 10th EMUs International Food Festival proves that they are ready to follow their passion.

This win shows us that people really love our cheesecakes, said Ali, and that we should continue making them and actually start a business.

Mohammad Khatiri and Ayam Ali bake cheesecakes and sell them online through their Instagram page. They took first place honors at the International Food Festival.

Ali and Khatiri were one of 21 chef teams competing in the competition held on Friday, April 12. The competition, considered one of the most popular events at EMU, is organized by International Student Organization (ISO) AND International Food Festival Committee. It provides a chance for students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members to share traditional dishes from their cultures and enjoy delicious foods from around the world.

The International Food Festival is considered one of the most popular events at EMU.

More than 200 guests attended the event in the Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations inside the University Commons. Guests can taste different cuisines and vote for their favorite dishes. The chefs with the most votes won a cash prize: $200 for first place, $125 for second place, and $100 for third place.

Hyo-Jin Chang 23 and Austin Headrick were awarded second place for their Korean food dishes.

The Harrisonburg couple Hyo-Jin Chang 23who is from South Korea, and Austin Headrick won second place for their Korean dishes japchae (fried glass noodles) and jjimdak (a kind of chicken stew).

I love the idea of ​​all these international people coming together and sharing their food, said Chang, who works for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. I tried Burmese food for the first time in my life, it was so good and now, I want to visit Burma (Myanmar) soon.

Her husband, a CJP graduate student, agreed: For me, seeing people's reactions while eating food was fun, Headrick said. They were really happy.

Diego Barahona 17 offers some arroz con leche on Friday, April 12.

A trio of brothers from Honduras, Rodrigo Barahona 22his brother Diego Barahona 17 and sister Valentina Barahonaa senior at EMU, won third place for their desserts rice pudding (rice pudding) and ripe bananas (roasted plantain).

Rodrigo competed in this event in 2018, during his first year at EMU. Now that he plans to leave the US next year, he wanted to give it another shot.

That was the last jump, he said.

From left: Latino Student Alliance (LSA), Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APISA) and Black Student Alliance (BSA) receive trophies at the International Food Festival.

Student clubs and organizations also competed for a chance to win a trophy, bragging and cheering.

The winning clubs were:

First place: Latino Student Alliance (LSA) for their sake, fresh waters (in horchata and fruit punch flavors) and churros;
second place: Asian Pacific Island Student Alliance (APISA) for theirs tteok-bokki (Korean spiced rice cake); AND
Third Place: Black Student Alliance (BSA) with their shrimp and grits, flavored with Cajun seasoning, Old Bay, and salt and pepper.

The popular event provides a chance for students, faculty, staff and community members to share traditional dishes from their cultures and enjoy delicious foods from around the world.

Naod Kidanea first-year computer science major, enjoyed a portion tibs (an Ethiopian beef dish) and engineer (flat bread). It's the kind of food he grew up eating in his native Ethiopia.

I don't have much time to cook for myself, so this is a treat for me, he said.

Student chefs serve food from Karen and Burmese cultures.

Peri Moo, a first-year accounting major from Thailand, prepared foods from the Karen and Burmese cultures. He said he enjoyed trying Ethiopian dishes, which were new to him.

This is a fun event, Moo said. I find it informative as well. You can learn a lot about other cultures.

Spanish instructor Wendell Shank loads up a plate of Mexican-style tamales.

Other cultures represented at the festival included those from Afghanistan, Belarus, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Ukraine and Uruguay.

Scroll through our photo gallery below to see more photos from the 10th International Food Festival.

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