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China's president arrives in Europe to revive ties at a time of global tensions

China's president arrives in Europe to revive ties at a time of global tensions


PARIS Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a three-statetrip to Europeon Sunday with the continent divided over how to deal with Beijing's growing power and the US-China rivalry.

European car manufacturers are losing ground tosubsidized Chinese electric vehicles. Diplomats worry aboutsuspected Chinese spiesin European capitals. And China's continued defense trade with Russia worries anyone in Europe who supports itwar-torn Ukraineand it is feared that the Russian army will not stop there.

But Europe and China have strong economic ties, EU-China trade is estimated at 2.3 billion euros a day, and Xi appears determined to rebuild and deepen relations with European leaders after a prolonged absence caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Xi began Sunday in France, whose president wants Europe to have moreeconomic and strategic independencefrom other world powers. The Chinese president then heads to Serbia and Hungary, both of which are seen as friendly to China and close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and beneficiaries of significant Chinese investment.

Xi's trip will be closely watched in Washington for signs of waning European support for his key foreign policy goals. At the same time, there is growing uncertainty in Europe about future US support for transatlantic allies.

Xi was greeted at Paris Orly airport by French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and protests by groups demanding that France pressure China to respect the rights of the Tibetan and Uyghur minorities. Activists seeking a free Tibet attempted to unfurl a banner on Saturday under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and protested in the French capital at the same time the Xis plane landed.

Upon arrival, Xi said he hoped the visit would bring about “strategic convergence” between China and France and that the further development of their relationship would contribute to stability and positive energy in a troubled world, according to a text provided to reporters in airport.

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron will treat the Chinese leader to the official honors of a full state visit. They will also meet with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who is expected to join Macron in pushing for fairer trade policies and for China to use its influence with Russia to push it towards ending the the war in Ukraine.

The EU launched an investigation last fall into Chinese subsidies and may impose tariffs on electric vehicles exported from China.

China claims neutrality in the Ukraine conflict but has refused to call Russia's all-out assault on its neighbor an invasion and has been accused of bolstering Russia's capacity to produce weapons.




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