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Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Ei-ichi Negishi dies at 85 | tidings

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Ei-ichi Negishi dies at 85 |  tidings


Ei-ichi Negishi, who shared the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Richard Heck and Akira Suzuki for a palladium catalyzed cross-linking technique to bond carbon atoms and synthesis molecules, died at the age of 85 years. Known for his discovery of the Negishi union, an important reaction that forms carbon-carbon bonds, he had been a professor in the chemistry department at Purdue University in the US since 1979 and served in a distinguished post since 1998. His passing of June 6 came just two days after the death of Swiss physicist Richard Ernst, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1991.

Negishi was born a Japanese citizen in Japanese-ruled Manchuria. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1958 and went to the US as a Fulbright researcher in 1960. There, he earned a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in 1963 for his work in synthetic organic chemistry.

An image showing Ei-Ichi Negishi

After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Purdue University in the laboratory of Herbert Brown a pioneer in the field of synthetic organic chemistry, who became the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1979, Negishi joined the chemistry faculty at Syracuse University in New York in 1972. He returned to Purdue to work with Brown in 1979, which was the same year that Brown was awarded the Nobel. Two decades later, Negishi was appointed eminent chemistry professor Herbert C Brown and he did not retire from Purdue until 2019.

The world lost a great and gracious man who made a difference in life as a scientist and a human being, said Purdue president Mitch Daniels. They were saddened by Dr. Negishis’s passing but grateful for his discoveries that changed the world and the life he touched and influenced as a Purdue professor.

Of the two chemists with whom Negishi shared the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the only one still alive is 90-year-old Akira Suzuki of Hokkaido University in Japan, who was also a protagonist of Brown. The third winner, Richard Heck of the University of Delaware, died in 2015 at the age of 84.

In addition to the Nobel Prize, Negishi also received Japan’s highest cultural award, the Order of Culture, in 2010, and the Japan Chemical Society Award in 1996. In addition, he was awarded RSCs Sir Edward Frankland Award Lecture in 2000, as well as the American Chemical Society Award and Price of Organometallic Chemistry for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry respectively in 1998 and 2010. Also in 2010, it became Negishi an honorary member of the RSC.

He was a highly productive scientist, publishing approximately 400 original research papers, and also received more than 20 honorary doctorates from universities around the world.

Approachable and passionate

While in elementary school, Negishi had retired from mathematics and then electrical engineering, but switched to chemistry in part because he thought payment would be better, he recalled in a 2010 interview with Adam Smith, editorial director of Nobel Media. So, my motivation was very dirty, but looking back I think I chose the right field for me, he told Smith.

Just hours after the Stockholm call that Negishi announced he had won the Nobel Prize, he left an international press conference to give a second-class chemistry class. This really tells you everything you need to know about Dr. Negishi. On the day he wins the Nobel, he is in the classroom with his students, declared Patrick Wolfe, dean of the Purgatory College of Science. He was extremely approachable and passionate about not only those he served but served with them.

He reportedly did not seek a patent for the Negishi fusion technique because he wanted it to be available to everyone. Estimates show that it is used in more than a quarter of all chemical reactions in the pharmaceutical industry.

Rashmi Kumar, a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine who was a graduate teaching assistant at Purdue from August 2014 to July 2020, tweet on June 11th: Extremely sad when I heard the death of Prof. Negishi. I remember him walking through the corridors of Purdue Chem and greeting students along the way. What impressed me was that he always seemed to be so down to earth even though he won the Nobel Prize.

Purdue discovered a bronze sculpture of Negishi in 2014, and she stands next to one of his mentors, Brown, in the permanent exhibition within the Wetherill Universities Laboratory of Chemistry.

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