Experimental African Home to Defeat Malaria
effective. They found a 40% reduction in mosquitoes attracted to homes 1 meter high. At 2 meters there was a 68% reduction and at 3 meters there was an 84% reduction.
“I was surprised that the impact they saw was enormous,” said Kelly Shear, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota who was not involved in the study. Saar investigated what building materials look like, Brick, mud, metal, etc., He states that it is affecting the malaria epidemic and that this level of reduction is convincing. “We saw very strong evidence that home construction can prevent malaria infections,” she said.
“That’s really important,” she continued, because mosquito nets and pesticide sprays aren’t enough. “It would be great if there were additional tools to prevent malaria.”
However, it is difficult to adopt this design for new homes and home remodeling in the real community. “Number of people affected [the academic studies] Patrick Kelly, Vice President of the Habitat International Shelter Twirig Innovation Center, said. This is an obstacle, but it’s not insurmountable.
One way to make wide-ranging changes in the growing population is to use building codes that can be enforced by local governments, while the other is changes in consumer behavior. taste I update it in my house because I know which design makes sense. For example, a large window that is counterintuitive, but with a screen. “I’m more optimistic about consumer behavior routes and I’m putting my knowledge in the hands of people,” Kelly said. “There are several ways to bring some information to the home refurbishment market where people buy timber purchase screening.”
Lindsay agreed. “The way architects think about making changes is to build something new and have people look at it and say,’Hey, this is cool!’ Please copy. If the locals see this, they are more likely to be built this way, based on the appeal of scientific design.
Okum believes that design is a more sustainable way to control malaria than using over-the-counter products such as mosquito nets, pesticides and medicines. The goal is simple: prevent mosquitoes from finding humans. “Over the years, we have learned that we must return to the basic biology of illness,” Okum said. “And malaria is mainly a problem of poor housing and surface water.”
Lindsay is conducting a large clinical trial in Tanzania Star Home ProjectThe walls, designed by Danish architect team member Jacob Knusen to test the elasticity of a two-story house, are made of breathable awning cloth inspired by Southeast Asian designs. I will. The study, which lasts three years, tracks malaria infections in 110 star home children in 60 villages and compares them to other children in 440 traditional households.
“They are really beautiful,” Lindsay said.
Each family has a well-ventilated living space with a screen on the second floor. The wind must have come in, the mosquitoes must have gone away. At night, there was a faint light shining through the translucent walls, but the house was still hidden in a prominent place.
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