Covid US: Inpatient men’s quarter ends up in ICU compared to one-fifth of women
Men are more likely to die COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Or, new studies suggest that women need more intensive care than women, even if they are healthy before they get sick.
Sinai Mountain Researcher New York City We investigated the results of Covid in approximately 5,000 patients admitted early in the pandemic.
We found that men were 2.1 percentage points more likely to die in the hospital and 6.4 percentage points more likely to require intensive care.
Although Covid risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure were more common among women in this group of patients, women were still generally better than men.
The team shows that the findings show that more research is needed on the biology that causes men to increase their risk of severe Covid and why it is important for men to be vaccinated. ..
According to a study of patients in New York, men are more likely to die of Covid or need intensive care.Photo: A clinician performing a tracheostomy in a Covid ICU patient at a hospital in Los Angeles, California.
Men had a higher incidence of severe Covid, regardless of age or pre-existing condition
It is well known among doctors and COVID-19 professionals that men are at high risk of serious illness.
In the United States, although it accounts for 49% of the national population, 54% of people who die from the virus are men, which is an overestimate of Covid-related deaths.
In a large study from Lombardy, Italy, published in April 2020, 82% of Covid patients It was a man who was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Men may be more likely to get Covid and other infections-studies show that they Less likely to wear a face mask, For example.
However, it does not explain why men are more vulnerable to serious illness when infected.
Scientists hypothesize that the existing condition of men may play a role, along with hormonal factors and differences in the immune system between men and women.
For new research, Nature Communications MedicineThe team looked at the intersection between the patient’s gender and other existing conditions known to put the patient at higher risk.
Researchers at Mount Sinai examined medical records of 4,930 patients admitted to Covid in New York City between March and August 2020.
All of these patients were admitted to the Mount Sinai system, which includes eight hospitals in the city.
Based on medical records of these patients, researchers confirmed that serious Covid results were more likely in men.
Men are more likely to die in hospitals, with 25.2% of male patients in the study dying compared to 23.1% of female patients.
Men who survived the seizures with Covid had a longer hospital stay than women, about 6.2 days rather than 5.7 days.
Men were also more likely to be admitted to the ICU-26.7% of male patients required intensive care compared to 20.3% of female patients.
In addition, men were more likely to need a ventilator, with 16.4% needing a machine compared to 13.2% of female patients.
Based on these differences, researchers calculated that if the patient was male, the condition would increase the likelihood of death in the hospital or the need for intensive care.
Men are at increased risk of severe Covid, but vaccination rates are lower in the United States than women.
Researchers also confirmed that men are more likely to come to the hospital with hypoxic levels, low numbers of lymphocytes, and special white blood cells that are important to the immune system.
Both of these conditions are predictors of severe Covid.
Among the patients in this study, men were younger and less likely to be in an existing condition, but Covid’s results were still more likely to worsen.
For those patients who had an existing condition, the condition made a big difference to women, the researchers found.
For example, obese patients were more likely to require intensive care, but the difference in outcomes between patients with this condition and those without it was more serious for women.
To support their findings, the researchers also studied an additional group of 1,645 patients admitted to the Sinai Mountain System between August 2020 and January 2021.
These patients generally had good Covid outcomes because the health care system was more experienced in caring for Covid patients. However, researchers still found that men needed intensive care and were more likely to die in the hospital.
This study suggests that men are more likely to be infected with severe Covid, even if they are healthy when infected.
Researchers say more research needs to investigate the relationship between gender and existing conditions.
Some conditions, such as chronic liver disease, could not be fully investigated in this study because only a small number of patients had this condition.
This study also does not target transgender and non-binary individuals-for example, most studies on whether transgender men face the same Covid risk as men assigned their gender at birth. Not broken.
Researchers suggest that serious Covid risk may be associated with differences between men and women in access to healthcare. Women are more likely to seek hospital treatment, even if their symptoms are not so severe.
Such a pattern would be consistent with men not wanting to wear masks and get vaccinated. In the United States, approximately 66.6 million men are fully vaccinated, compared to 75.1 million women.
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