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“If you don’t wear a mask, the virus spreads even more. It’s just as easy.” | Coronavirus

“If you don’t wear a mask, the virus spreads even more. It’s just as easy.” | Coronavirus


Scientists strongly support wearing masks in closed public spaces during the summer. With the ever-increasing number of cases of Covid-19, facial coverings provide people with the most powerful way to limit the spread of the disease in cafes, theaters and restaurants, they said last week.

Percentage of new Covid-19 cases Last week, it exceeded 50,000 a day. Leading scientists and health experts, he warns that the country could be forced to blockade later this year as the number of infections is likely to continue until fall. In such situations, they said that wearing masks should continue, even though the government refused to formalize such a move.

“If you don’t wear a mask, the virus spreads even more, and it’s just as easy,” said Julian Tan, a clinical virologist at the University of Leicester.

According to Tan, masks also clearly limit the spread of virus particles from infected people, reducing the chances of the wearer picking up infections from others. “The mask works in both ways,” he said. Observer..

“Assuming the mask at least halves the permeability, that is, if an infected person exhales for every 1,000 virus particles, only 500 will leave the mask. Then those particles will leave the other. When reaching someone, those masks as well guarantee a reduction of at least half the number The number of viruses that reach the mouth and nose. In other words, of the 1,000 virus particles exhaled by an infected person, only about 250 reach others. It should reduce the infection rate, and that is why masks are important. “

This was supported by Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia. “Most studies are observational and prone to all sorts of prejudices, but in summary, both to protect others when they become infected and to protect them from others. There are consistent discoveries towards face coverings that help with, “he said. Observer.. “Estimates vary, but infections are probably reduced in the range of 10-25%.”

However, Paul Edelstein, an emeritus professor of pathology at the University of Pennsylvania, said the high prevalence of mask wear is important. “For proper protection, most people need to wear a mask. Wearing a standard cloth or medical mask in a room with an unmasked infected person probably does not provide great protection. Hmm. Basically, most people need to wear a mask to reduce the infection rate, “he added.

Experiments have shown that multi-layer cloth masks are likely to provide better control and protection than single-layer loosely woven masks, according to Adelstein. “With good ventilation, masks are generally not needed in these situations, as there are relatively few infections outdoors. However, noisy and screaming outdoors are when walking on quiet streets. Probably a bigger risk than. “

Catherine Noakes, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of Leeds, said people should understand that they don’t wear masks forever.

“But as we are experiencing now, when the virus epidemic is very high, they really start to become important. The more protective measures we take, the more the remaining measures are working. You need to make sure that encouraging people to wear high quality masks is one of the most important of these. “

She added: “If you’re in a busy shop, restaurant, or train, one of them is very likely to get infected. However, the more people who wear masks in these settings, the more likely they are to get the virus. And the infection is reduced. “




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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