Perhaps hidden in the shadow of a pandemic, New Brunswick is still experiencing gonorrhea, with more cases this year.
The outbreak was first announced in April 2019.
Dr. Jennifer Russell, a medical officer of health, emphasized the importance of having safe sex.
“Anyone who has unprotected sex is encouraged to take the test,” Russell said.
“I know it can take some courage to choose to be tested, but it’s very important to be tested, especially since it’s not uncommon for someone to have multiple sexually transmitted infections at once. is.”
In the first half of 2021, 74 cases of gonorrhea were reported in the state, with an average of 54 cases per year.
“Sexually transmitted diseases can have a lasting impact on a person’s health, and frequent testing and treatment as needed should be part of regular health examinations.” Russell said.
“This helps prevent further complications such as infertility and helps stop the transmission of the infection to someone else.”
Russell added that people with sexual partners, regardless of their sexual orientation, may have been exposed to gonorrhea without their knowledge.
If you are asymptomatic but suspect that you may have been exposed, contact your doctor or health center.