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Mild to moderate alcohol consumption associated with reduced risk of heart attack and death in patients with heart disease


(Reuters)-Mild to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a reduced risk of death in heart attack, stroke, and heart disease patients, according to a study published in the journal BMC Medicine on Monday.

File photo: On May 1, 2018, a bottle of alcoholic beverages is on sale at a shop in Glasgow, Scotland, England. REUTERS / Russell Cheyne / File Photo

The greatest benefit (50% reduction in risk compared to non-drinkers) was seen in people with heart disease who drank an average of 6 grams of alcohol daily. (In the UK, the standard “unit” for alcohol is 8 grams, but the average drink in the US contains 14 grams.)

People who averaged 8 grams per day had a 27% lower risk of dying from a heart attack, stroke, or angina than those who didn’t. People who drank 7 grams a day had a 21% lower risk of dying for any reason.

Heavy drinking, averaging up to 15 grams per day, was associated with a slight reduction in risk.

“Our findings show that people with CVD (cardiovascular disease) may not need to stop drinking to prevent additional heart attacks, strokes, and angina, but reduce their weekly alcohol intake. It suggests that you may want to consider, “said Chengyi Ding, co-author of the study. A research student at University College London. But she says: “Alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of developing other illnesses.”

Ding warned that non-drinkers should not be advised to drink lightly because of known adverse effects on other health consequences such as cancer.

Researchers who evaluated more than 48,000 patients with heart disease found that higher alcohol intake of up to 62 grams per day was not associated with an increased risk of recurrent heart attack or death compared to no alcohol intake. I found that.

Overall, the amount of alcohol associated with benefits is less than recommended by the latest guidelines. For example, the American Heart Association guidelines for heart disease patients recommend up to two drinks per day for men and up to one drink per day for women.

According to a 2019 study, older people with heart failure who drink up to seven drinks a week may live longer than those who avoid alcohol altogether. (((

However, past researchers have found that heavy drinking is associated with elevated levels of blood biomarkers that indicate heart damage.

The new study analyzed data from UK Biobank, the UK Health Survey, the Scottish Health Survey, and 12 previous studies.

Researchers may underestimate heavy drinkers and overestimate the reduced risk of moderate drinkers with heart disease because of the classification of former drinkers who may have quit smoking. I warn you that there is sex.

This story is refiled to remove irrelevant words from the first paragraph.

Report by Dania Nadeem in Bangalore.Edited by Nancy Rapid and Dan Grebler





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