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Pandemics may have increased the risk of falls in the elderly

Pandemics may have increased the risk of falls in the elderly


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A new national poll suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic may have increased the risk of falls and injuries in the elderly due to changes in physical activity, conditioning, and mobility.

More than one-third of people between the ages of 50 and 80 Physical activity Decline PandemicThe first 10 months, and more than a quarter, say they feel worse than they did before the pandemic. National poll on healthy aging.. Many of these adults also report increased fear of falling.

Fall studies suggest that both illness and the risk of falls may increase the risk of future falls and reduce independence. Opinion leaders are better aware of this relationship because pandemics are mitigated in the United States, especially when adults of all ages are not active or motivated because of the pandemic. He points out that it may help people safely increase and maintain physical activity.

According to polls, 25% of older people fell between the start of the pandemic in March 2020 and January 2021 when the polls were conducted. Forty percent of those who experienced falls fell many times during this period.

Polls also point to certain groups of older people (women, blacks, older people experiencing loneliness, adults 65 and older). These groups may need additional assistance to improve their health and reduce the risk of falls. The help comes not only from family and friends, but also from health and fitness providers.

This poll is based on the University of Michigan Institute for Health Policy and Innovation and is supported by AARP and UM’s Academic Medical Center, Michigan Medicine. The new report is based on responses from a national sample of more than 2,000 adults aged 50-80 years to a poll conducted in January 2021.

“Many older people fall each year, and pandemics were no exception. In this age group, many waterfalls are at least slightly injured and one-third require medical attention,” said UM Nursing School. Says. , An autumn researcher who worked with a poll team. “Physical condition management can make a big difference in maintaining independence, such as avoiding falls, but there are also big differences in the degree of response and recovery to falls. Currently, only physical health and activity. Instead, it focuses on prevention of social factors that can increase family safety and risk. It is very important.

Pandemics may have increased the risk of falls in the elderly

Important findings on healthy aging in a national poll on fall risk and experience in adults aged 50-80 years during the first 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic Credit: University of Michigan

Less activity, more fear

More than one-third (37%) of older people have reported reduced physical activity since the onset of the pandemic. They say they have spent about the same amount of time walking and standing since March 2020.

This decline in activity amounted to 27%, and he said his physical condition (flexibility, strength, endurance) had deteriorated. According to poll responses, mobility (capacity to include canes, walkers, vehicles, etc.) has decreased by 25%.

Polls also asked about the fear of falls. This was experienced by 36% of all respondents, nearly half (46%) of all respondents aged 65 and over, and women aged 50-80 (44%).

Of all the elderly who said they were afraid of falling, 23% said their fear increased during the pandemic. However, the rate of reporting increased fear of falling was much higher among those who reported decreased physical activity (32%), poor physical condition (42%), or decreased athletic performance (45%). ..

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls kill more than 32,000 elderly people each year. This number has increased steadily in recent years and is expected to continue to grow as the US population ages. gain.

Pandemics may have increased the risk of falls in the elderly

Key findings on fall risk factors for adults aged 50-80 years in the first 9 months of the pandemic Credit: University of Michigan

The link between loneliness and delays in care

Opinion polls also provide clues as to how increased loneliness during a pandemic and lack of dating in older people affect changes in activity levels, mobility, and risk of falls, according to Michigan medicine. increase. Opinion Director Pretty Marani, MD, who also trained infectious disease specialists, said in geriatrics.

Among those who answered that they did not have enough dating, the percentage of elderly people who reported falls was high at 32%. This group also had less physical activity than the other groups and was more likely to report motility and poor health. NPHA has published two previous reports on the health aspects of loneliness in the elderly. Before when in the meantime Pandemic.

“Healthcare providers and loved ones need to promote interaction with safe physical activity as life approaches normal, especially for the majority of older people vaccinated with COVID-19.” She said. “We need to make up for the lost time and get the elderly on track or back on track. To protect their independence by reducing the risk of falls and serious injuries associated with falls. This happens in connection with social interaction.

Hoffman and Marani are also looking at the results of another poll. During the pandemic, 28% of the elderly who were injured in the fall were late or did not receive the medical care they thought they needed. 40% of this group said the pandemic was directly related to this lack of care. People who are protracted by falls during a pandemic (joint pain, loss of mobility, weakness, etc.) should seek rehabilitation or other care to avoid or mitigate the risk of further problems. They add.

“Falls are a serious health and safety concern. senior citizenDr. Alison Bryant, Senior Vice President of Research at AARP, said: The code is extruded out of the way. “”

AARP offers a free checklist What elderly people and their caregivers can do to prevent falls at home.

CDC provides a toolkit for Elderly people and their caregivers,When Health provider, Supports fall prevention.

The results of the National Poll on Healthy Aging are based on responses from a national representative sample of 2,074 adults aged 50-80 years who answered a variety of questions online in January 2021. The question was created by the IHPI team and the data was interpreted.Provides laptop and internet access vote Respondents who do not have it yet. A complete report of the findings and methodology is available at the following URL:, A report of past national polls on healthy aging.

Studies show that older people need to be screened for mental health symptoms as the pandemic continues.

For more information:
Voting is available at… ng-COVID-19-Pandemic

estimate: Pandemic is a fall risk for the elderly acquired from (August 3, 2021) on August 3, 2021. It may be increasing

This document is subject to copyright. No part may be reproduced without written permission, except for fair trade for personal research or research purposes. The content is provided for informational purposes only.

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