COVID-19 vaccine works to protect others
Claim: Vaccination with COVID-19 benefits only those who have been vaccinated
As Americans continue to fight COVID-19, there continues to be controversy and misinformation about vaccines.
One virus image Falsely argue that the decision to vaccinate yourself does not affect others.
“I’m vaccinated, but if it only benefits me, how can it be a citizen’s duty to get the C19 vaccine? I’m still infected and C19 Can infect vaccinated and unvaccinated people, “the tweet claims. “Vaccination choices must be personal.”
Fact check:Six of the most persistent misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine
The image shared on Instagram on August 11th August 10th tweet from the doctor..
account Frequent tweet support For taking ivermectin to protect against COVID-19 Not a proven cure It can be dangerous.
But experts say this approach is wrong. Vaccination with COVID-19 protects those who have been vaccinated, those who choose not to be vaccinated, and those who are not eligible to be vaccinated.
USA TODAY asked Instagram users for comment. The message could not be sent to the Twitter user.
Vaccination protects members of your community
Experts say that vaccination benefits at the individual and community level.
Vaccination can reduce the risk of both individuals getting COVID-19 and giving it to someone else. Emily R. Smith, Epidemiologist and associate professor at the Milkin Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University.
“Vaccination benefits both you and the people in your community!” She said in an email. Latest (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) quote It suggests that vaccinated people are 800% less likely to get COVID than unvaccinated people. If you do not get a COVID, you will not be able to spread your COVID to others. “
Susan HasigEpidemiologists at the University of Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine also said that vaccines protect vaccinated individuals by significantly reducing the risk of infection, illness and death. Its individual vaccination protects the wider community by reducing the chances of the vaccinated person becoming a host.
“This advantage is most apparent when the majority of people in the community are vaccinated,” Hasig said. “When a virus is introduced, it has nowhere to go and disappears. It cannot spread or mutate.”
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The US Department of Health and Human Services describes this concept as follows: Often referred to as community or group immunityWe are working to protect members of the community who cannot or are not vaccinated, such as children and people with certain medical conditions.
“The way to protect your newborn from life-threatening illnesses in the first few months is to vaccinate those around you,” Hasig said. “It’s about protecting others as well as individuals. Especially in the case of easily transmitted diseases like Covid, neglecting to vaccinate yourself can harm others. Currently, children under the age of 12 are not yet vaccinated. “
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The exact time to reach herd immunity is controversial.
“In reality, we don’t know when herd immunity will occur. We have never had this disease. It is not clear what percentage of the population we need to reach. ” Dr. Manisha JutaniAn infectious disease expert, told Yale University in May. “There is no specific number or cutoff. This is a gradient. That is, if the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths decreases, we know we have reached. The overall improvement in our number is us. Tells us that we have reached that threshold. ”
Vaccination prevents hospitals from being overwhelmed
Smith told USA Today that vaccination would benefit others by significantly reducing the likelihood that a breakthrough vaccinated person would become seriously ill and need to be hospitalized.
CDC quote Vaccines are 93% to 100% effective in preventing hospitalization even with delta mutants. This prevents the medical system from being overwhelmed.
“Keeping COVID cases away from the hospital helps others in your area, as hospital beds and resources are available for those who need to be in the hospital for other reasons,” she said. Said. “When the hospital bed is full of COVID patients, elective surgery etc. will be cancelled.”
Our rating: False
Based on our research, we misunderstand the claim that vaccination with COVID-19 benefits only those who have been vaccinated. Epidemiologists agree that vaccination reduces the risk of getting COVID-19 and benefits individuals by spreading it to others. This protects those who cannot be vaccinated or who are less effective with the vaccine (people with other medical conditions or children under the age of 12). Vaccination also prevents individuals from becoming seriously ill and overwhelming hospitals.
Our Fact Check Source:
- Emily R. Smith, August 11, email communication with USA TODAY
- Susan Hasig, August 11, email communication with USA TODAY
- The Washington Post, July 30 Read: Internal CDC document on breakthrough infections
- US Department of Health and Human Services, Accessed August 12 Vaccines protect your community
- Yale Medicine, May 21st Herd immunity: Will we get there?
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Our fact checking work is partially supported by a grant from Facebook.
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