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Authorities warn against COVID-19’s “magic online cure” when Sydney men overdose ivermectin and other medications

Authorities warn against COVID-19’s “magic online cure” when Sydney men overdose ivermectin and other medications


Authorities warned people that a man who ordered a “treatment” for COVID online would get the drug from a backdoor after coming to the hospital’s emergency department for vomiting and diarrhea.

According to Westmead Hospital toxicologist Naren Gunja, a man in western Sydney who recently visited Westmead Hospital overdose ivermectin and other treatments.

“There is no evidence to support the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19,” he said.

“Don’t look for magical cures online or rely on what’s on the internet, because none of them work.”

He said he was fortunate that the person did not develop severe toxicity.

Some veterinarians and pharmacists have noticed a recent increase in demand for ivermectin and are concerned that people are going through back doors to access the drug instead of being vaccinated. This has proven to save lives.

Kelly Chant, Chief Health Officer of NSW, today urged the community not to put their medical care in their hands without seeking expert medical advice.

“Make sure your health care provider is providing medical care and seek advice before taking your medication,” she said.

“It’s important to seek the best health advice. Australian doctors have access to a wealth of literature on what medicines and treatments can help with COVID. Please listen.”

A veterinarian who is wary of people seeking misuse of ivermectin

The veterinarian’s job is to take care of the animals, but when owners use pets as an excuse to get their own medicine, they may have to pay attention to the animals.

Tom *, who spoke to ABC on condition of anonymity, said he was a Perth veterinarian and had recently had a suspicious conversation with a woman looking for ivermectin.

“I was a little confused about what was happening,” he said.

“I asked the woman what she wanted ivermectin for, and she said she wanted it for her horse, at which point I said,” You’re probably a horse You should ask the vet. “And she kept changing the subject, saying she wanted it for another animal.

Close-up of the horse's face stroked after winning the race
One veterinarian said she became suspicious when she recently asked for ivermectin, but had a hard time explaining why she needed the drug.(((

AAP: Michael Dodge


“It sounded similar [when] Sometimes there are suspicious clients when they need a powerful painkiller, but at the time I didn’t know why she wanted it.

Tom was concerned that more people might be trying to get ivermectin from a veterinarian for personal use, and since then he has passed on the word to some of his colleagues. ..

“I’ve ensured that everyone in the clinic I work in is convinced of the link, so when people ask about ivermectin, receptionists and nurses know they probably want it.” He said.

What is ivermectin and why do people go to the vet to get it?

Ivermectin is a drug that is effective against parasites, mites and worms.

It is used in both animals and humans as a pill and as an ingredient in shampoos and lotions.

Andrew McLachlan, director of pharmacies at the University of Sydney, said there are some specific permitted uses for the drug.

“In Australia, it’s really recommended for various types of worm infections, especially roundworms, a particular type of tick called scabies that people can get on their skin, and an inflammatory process called rosacea,” he said. Told.

It has triggered several trials worldwide after some initial in vitro studies have shown that ivermectin can affect the COVID-19 virus.

Professor MacLachlan said the quality of the study varies.

He said the best review of evidence to date from The Cochrane Library did not recommend the use of ivermectin.

“According to their analysis, sufficient information to determine if ivermectin is effective in the prevention or treatment of COVID is not at this stage and is not recommended until more information is available about it.”

Health authorities try to counter false information

Among the dissemination claims about ivermectin are MP Craig Kelly and US-based conservative media figures.

The Australian Therapeutic Goods Department has detected an increase in ivermectin imports and prescriptions and has repeated advice on the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.


However, this request has led health organizations around the world to emphasize that treatment for COVID-19 has not been approved. This includes the US Food and Drug Administration, which tweeted a myth-breaking article with the message “You are not a horse.”

Professor MacLachlan said it is important to remember the side effects of this drug, especially its abuse.

“It can lead to diarrhea, nausea-like conditions, but it can also cause dizziness and even drowsiness in some people taking the drug,” he said.

“In rare cases, it has also been found to cause life-threatening skin reactions and liver damage, which can also affect the nervous system. Therefore, like other drugs, it is generally safe, but needed. There is a risk of harmful effects that can occur. Be careful. “

The Australian Pharmacy Guild told ABC that the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Task Force does not recommend the use of ivermectin for COVID treatment outside of clinical trials.

“The Australian pharmacy guild recognizes that off-label drug prescribing may be necessary, but it is evidence-based and requires patient informed consent,” a spokesman said.

The World Health Organization also states that ivermectin should be used in the context of clinical trials only when it is used to treat COVID-19 so that patients can be closely monitored.

* Renamed to provide anonymity.

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