PMIS, Kawasaki: US boy with COVID-related “mysterious illness” warns parents
Two Teresa Lawson’s US mothers say they live one of the “darkest” experiences her family has ever had.
Thirteen-year-old son Anthony was admitted to the ICU at Seattle Children’s Hospital after showing a series of mysterious symptoms.
His doctors believe he may have developed an impressive child with a mysterious illness all over the country infected with the coronavirus, Lawson said.
More than 100 children in 15 states show signs of illness, which the medical community calls childhood polymorphic inflammatory syndrome (PMIS).
It develops like Kawasaki disease, which causes swelling of blood vessels throughout the body.
PMIS is rare but serious and causes inflammation of the heart and other organs. It can send the body to organ failure. Persistent fever, rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, red eyes and inflamed eyes are common symptoms.
Lawson said his symptoms began in late April as headaches and itchy eyes.
Having no fever or rash, Lawson increased it to seasonal allergies.
After initially appearing ill, Anthony began to vomit regularly and wasn’t eating.
“He hadn’t turned on the TV for a few days, which really stood out to me,” she said.
Three days after the first symptoms, Anthony received emergency treatment.
That night, he had a smooth rash on his thigh and called Lawson back to the facility.
They recommended Benadrill and put him to sleep.
‘deep Purple
Within a few hours, the rash spread to the chest, shoulders, and arms, becoming “deep purple.”
He sweated, then vomited, and had a slight fever by 11 pm.
Lawson noticed that his limbs were cold and his nails were blue.
She said the white of his eyes looked “painted red.”
When Lawson began to struggle to breathe, he decided he needed to go to the hospital.
“He was … wheezing and making a groaning sound,” Lawson said.
When they woke up Anthony around 1:00 AM, he was dizzy and nearly collapsed.
“Change clothes now”
About 30 minutes later, Lawson received the text “Change clothes now” from the husband who took Anthony to the hospital.
Anthony had heart failure and renal failure. The doctor there tested him for a coronavirus, which was negative.
Lawson remembered what he said to his doctor. Home, right? “… the doctor said,” This is incredibly serious and can be fatal. “
“I have no words to explain,” Lawson says of the pain over the next five days.
Anthony’s system has been shut down.
As Lawson explained, during the “24×7” hallucination, Anthony once took off his face mask and immediately began to crash.
“He was just screaming,” Lawson said. “I didn’t recognize some of the child’s personalities … he’s generally happy, quiet, and fairly modest.”
“He was repeatedly told he couldn’t survive the next hour,” she continued.
“I started to get messed up.”
Mysterious illness
On the fifth day, doctors in New York City heard about a mysterious childhood disease and gave Anthony a drug called IVIG, the first-line treatment for Kawasaki disease.
Anthony slept for seven and a half hours, and the hallucinations stopped.
When Lawson later learned that his son tested positive for the COVID-19 antibody, the problem became: “What is this mysterious illness? … How do healthy children, athletes, get organ failure?” Lawson said.
“It was amazing, but I was able to do this amount of damage in a few hours.”
Currently, Anthony is more stable, has no fever and is breathing himself.
Details of
“It’s surprisingly good considering what he’s experienced,” Lawson said.
“I hope it got over the worst, but there are still a few days.”
Simple tasks run out of Anthony. He is undergoing physical therapy and more than 10 doctors see him daily.
It is unknown if the disease caused long-term heart failure, so there are no plans for discharge, but Lawson knows that there are many follow-up treatments.
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